- Endoscopy inspection in electronics-detect BGA defects
Endoscopy in electronics is an Automatic Optical Inspection, which is often used to check BGA pins. Endoscope usually consists of light source directed by fibber glass and optical sensor with variable focus. This is a good alternative to x-ray mathod.
Endoscopy is known to be used in medicine, but it can also be used in other areas of industry like electronics.In big electronic industries where investments are huge, the requirements to quality are also big. In big industries there are automatic testing using. This allows to achieve maximum quality with minimal cost. In smaller industries [...]
in Public bookmarks with bga electronics eletronics endoscopy faults inspection optical
- Removing 60Hz from ECG using digital band stop filter
How to remove power supply noise from ECG signal? There is an example how to implement FIR filter using matlab.
Let’s make a filter, which filters off the 60Hz frequency from ECG signal. As we know American power supply is 60Hz. This is common noise in biomedical signals, while they are powered from industrial power supply. This type of noise can be defined easily and can be filtered as parameters of noise are known.Here is [...]
in Public bookmarks with biomedical digital ecg electronics embedded filtering fir matlab scientific
- Connection sockets and headers used in embedded projects
Review of connectors used in electronics and embedded systems.
in Public bookmarks with electronics
- Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Site is loaded with AVR, ARM microcontroller related information. Many projects including UV exposure box manufacturing, AVR signal generator, DTMF decoder.
ScienceProg serves scientific, embedded, biomedical engineering, physics based contents. If you want your article or scientific project to be on this site, do not hesitate to contact and send to scienceprog@gmail.com.
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