AVR DDS signal generator V1.0 Sometimes we need simple signal generator with various waveform and frequencies. You can by a professional with variable gain and many additional functions. But you might want to build one. This small project is dedicated for building simple AVR controlled DDS signal generator. Sometimes when tuning various electronic hardware we need simple signal generator with various waveform and frequency. One of the options is to by a professional with variable gain professional coating and many additional functions. But if you are an amateur you might want to build one. This small project is dedicated for building one of [...] avr-controlled-signal-generator with atmegaavrcddsformgeneratorinsignalwave
AVR watchdog reset timer-practical approach Practical approach to AVR microcontroller watchdog timer. How to program and control it. This is continuing of thread Why use watchdog variable timer. This post is about how watchdog timer on AVR microcontroller works and how to control it.As we mentioned earlier, watchdog timer is a distinct timer counter, which generates reset signal when it fill up.After watchdog timer counts up to maximum, it generates a short pulse [...] avr-microcontrollers with avrresetstartwatchdog
AVR-GCC ABC Step by step tutorial how to start working with AVR-GCC compiler and one open source toolset WinAVR. Thread consists of two posts: http://www.scienceprog.com/avr-gcc-abc-1/ http://www.scienceprog.com/avr-gcc-abc-2/ This time I decided to lay down some information on using AVR-GCC compiler. I am not going to rewrite what’s in documentation is already written, but just write down some issues, what can help you start using this amazing tool.IntroductionProbably the most AVR programmers had a question in their mind what compiler to use for [...] avr-microcontrollers with avravr-gccccompilerkickprojectstartwinavr
Build your own AVR JTAG ICE clone cable This is a post about how to build well known AVR JTAG ICE clone so called MiniICE that works with AVR Studio. AVR JTAG ICE can be used for debugging programs in real world and upload firmware to AVR as well. After unsuccessful attempts to run few programs who drive peripherals like USART and Timers on Atmega128 I decided to make JTAG debugger. I hope it will allow me to see what is really happening – is may atmega128 corrupted or something is really wrong with software or with hardware.The most widely used AVR JTAGICE clone [...] avr-microcontrollers with avrcableclonedebuggerjtagjtagice
Control memory sections using AVR GCC If you programming AVR microcontrollers Compiler organises data in the way it looks optimal. But sometimes you are working with programs where you need you code parts to be located in specific program memory locations... If you programming AVR microcontrollers in C usually you don’t think how compiled program is stored in microcontrollers flash memory. Compiler organises data in the way it looks optimal. But sometimes you are working with programs where you need you code chunks located in specific program memory locations. For instance faced this problem while developing [...] avr-microcontrollers with addressatavrgccmemorysectionsspecificstorevariableswinavr
Drive dot LED matrix display using LPT port and driver IC Interesting projects on how to drive multiple dot LED matrix displays using LPT port and Led matrix driver cirtuits. Step by step explanation how to start your own system. It is convenient to drive dot LED matrix displays using IC drivers of 5×7 dot LED matrix’s like MAX6952 and MAX6953. These two IC’s differ only by data interfaces: SPI for MAX6952 and I2C for MAX6953. In this article you will se how these driver IC’s can be controlled by computer using LPT port.Program provided [...] electronics with controldotledlptmatrixpcportproject
Easy start with AVR EEPROM using WinAVR This is small guide how to start working with AVR internal EEPROM memory. AVR microcontrollers are loaded with some amount of EEPROM (Electronically Erasable Read-Only memory ) memory. This is handy feature allowing developers to store program parameters like service information, constants, menu strings etc. Atmel states that AVR EEPROM memory can be rewritten over 1000000 times. Reading is unlimited.In this article I am going to show how [...] avr-microcontrollers with avrdeclareeeprommemoryvaluesby 2 users
Endoscopy inspection in electronics-detect BGA defects Endoscopy in electronics is an Automatic Optical Inspection, which is often used to check BGA pins. Endoscope usually consists of light source directed by fibber glass and optical sensor with variable focus. This is a good alternative to x-ray mathod. Endoscopy is known to be used in medicine, but it can also be used in other areas of industry like electronics.In big electronic industries where investments are huge, the requirements to quality are also big. In big industries there are automatic testing using. This allows to achieve maximum quality with minimal cost. In smaller industries [...] electronics with bgaelectronicseletronicsendoscopyfaultsinspectionoptical
Few words about SMD-Surface Mount components Electronic hobbyists have noticed that it is harder to find some particular electronic elements in DIP packages. Many microcontroller types are released only in SMT packages like QFP64, LQFP package series. Bigger IC's like AVR32 or FPGA where BGA packages comes with up to 672 and more connectors. Today electronics is shifting to SMT (Surface Mount Technology) or SMD (Surface Mount Devices) area. DIP domination has left behind.They won’t be vanished from electronics industries as there many areas where they are and will be successfully used. But as electronic circuit complexity grows, demand on PCB miniaturization increases there is no other way as [...] electronics with miniaturizationmountpcbsmdsurfacetechnology
How to use inline ASM using WinAVR The article about how to embed the asm code into C program using WinAVR (AVR-GCC compiler). I have been working on optimisation of one of my C codes. I needed one function to be as optimal as possible. I decided to use inline ASM to achieve this. I decided to write few lines about this.There are few rules that is necessary to follow. Each ASM statement is divided by colons into [...] avr-microcontrollersuncategorized with asmassemblerccodeembedinlinetowinavr
Low frequency Butterworth and optimal Wiener ECG filters Regular ad hoc filters don’t guarantee optimal signal filtering as there is no any criteria that evaluates filter characteristics. The main idea of optimal filtering is to give bigger weight coefficients to signal spectra parts where signal noise has less power and true signal spectral components has bigger power. Regular ad hoc filters don’t guarantee optimal signal filtering as there is no any criteria that evaluates filter characteristics. Usually filter parameters are calculated empirically and filtering is done by best results.In order to avoid such shortage there are optimal filters used where parameters are optimized by some criteria. The main idea of optimal filtering [...] dsp-filtering with comparisondspecgfilterfilteringfiltersoptimalwiener
Microcontroller C programming Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents. Article about tradeoff between microcontroller code size and performance speed. Tips how to write more effective algorithms for microcontrollers. There is no doubt that everyone faces C language when programming microcontrollers. This is most popular language among hardware programmers. There are plenty books about this language – you just have to open and read. This article is not about language basics, but there is effectiveness of c language in embedded systems touched.Quite often you [...] avr-microcontrollers with avravrgccmicrocontrollerswinavr
Prototype board types If you are interesting in electronics, this is good things to know what type of prototyping boards can be used for your design. There can be four types of prototype boards. http://www.scienceprog.com If you are just starting to take an interest in to electronics, this is good things to get to know what type of prototyping boards can be used. There can be four types of prototype boards:Solderless breadboard- where connections are made by using jumpers;Soldered protoboard – uses soldered jumpers and drilled holes;Wire wrap boards – [...] electronics with boardboardselectronicpcbprototypetypes
Radio Frequency Identification RFID RFID technolgies are surrounding you everywhere, just learn to notice them. There are two types of RFID devices: Active and Passive. Active devices have power source built in which supplies the transmitter. The transmitter is triggered by sending the signal to RFID device. These devices have their own code and can transmit signal in desired time intervals. Active RFID devices are good in defining locations of [...] electronics with martrfidtagtechnologywal
Remove glossy reflections with crossed polarizers Simple example how 2 crossed polarizers can remove glossy reflections from surface. I used simple lamp directed to glossy table surface. One polarizer is in front of lamp and other is in front of lens of digital camera. Both polarizes are perpendicularly oriented to each other. How does this work? There is a theory about an angle on which the incident polarized electromagnetic waves turn reflects from [...] electronics with crossedfromglossypolarizersreflectionssurface
Run WinAVR from USB media It is not convenient to install separate WinAVR development toolsets in separate computers and care about them. There is a solution. Now you can run your WinAVR suite directly from USB memory stick or other portable media without prior installation. WinAVR AVR-GCC Tutorial, Run WinAVR from USB media avravr-gccfrommedianewsruntutorialusbwinavr with distributionmediaportableusbwinavr
Set up AVRStudio to use AVR-GCC compiler Short and ease tutorial how to work with AVR-GCC compiler in AVRStudio environment. Few steps how to start your first project. After release of AVRStudio4 there is possible to integrate AVR-GCC compiler in to it. As you know AVRstudio is a powerful tool which has assembler compiler- debugger, programmer, etc. Integration of AVR-GCC to it makes this tool much more powerful and more complete playground for developer. Plugin which is built in AVRStudio detects AVR-GCC [...] avr-microcontrollers with atmelavravrstudiogccproject