- Better performance with AVR XMEGA microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
XMEGA microcontrollers are based on same instruction set as standard AVR microcontrollers so code can be reused for older AVRs as AVR cores are 100% compatible.
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- Classification of USB chips and microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Today companies producing electronics components have been pushing lots of types of USB chips to market. In order not to get lost there is some classification made.
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- Controlling graphical 128×64 LCD based on KS0108
How to connect graphical LCD KS0108 (HQM1286404). Pinout included, sample demo and library.
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- Embedded Systems: microprocessors and microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
In general, embedded systems can be classified into two types viz. microprocessors and microcontrollers.
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- Encoding and modulation of digital signals - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Serial transfer mode has more possible modulation methods like PAM, PPM, PNM, PWM, and PDM. Each of them has a different schema.
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- How to solder SMD at home even better-Part two - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
how to solder SMD parts with improved technology
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- Major programmer types for 8 bit AVR microcontrollers - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
AVR microcontrollers have many ways to be programmed. One type adapters are used only toprogram AVR memory other are used to program and debug.
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- Microcontroller Simulators and emulators - Scientific, embedded, biomedical, electronics contents.
Microcontroller simulator is a program model which imitates its work. Modern simulators now simulates not only arithmetic operations but also I/O operations and even peripherals like timers, ADC, USART, I2C
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- USB types and architecture
Amount of digital information grows incredibly fast and everything has to go through some wires or wireless - who wants to wait for a long time while 4GB video will be transferred from camera to hard drive....
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- What is web2.0 technology? | Digital Bugs
Web 2.0 is the revolution in the website design and development world and can be thought as the another kind of communities that are web-based like the forums, communities, social networking sites and many other hosted services which aim to encourage the sharing of information and views, creativity and user interactivity between the users.
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- Where is the secret of Firefox's success? | Digital Bugs
There are several factors contributing to the success of the Firefox but it is the marketing strategy in combination with the added features that made a lot complete difference in adopting this software by the users.
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- WinAVR AVR-GCC Tutorial
Typical circuits of AVR microcontrollers for fast start
WinAVR AVR-GCC Tutorial, Typical circuits of AVR microcontrollers for fast start
avr avr-gcc circuits fast for hardware microcontrollers prototyping start tutorial typical winavr
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