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    Step by step tutorial how to start working with AVR-GCC compiler and one open source toolset WinAVR. Thread consists of two posts:
    This time I decided to lay down some information on using AVR-GCC compiler. I am not going to rewrite what’s in documentation is already written, but just write down some issues, what can help you start using this amazing tool.IntroductionProbably the most AVR programmers had a question in their mind what compiler to use for [...]
    in Public bookmarks with avr avr-gcc c compiler kick project start winavr
  • Drive dot LED matrix display using LPT port and driver IC
    Interesting projects on how to drive multiple dot LED matrix displays using LPT port and Led matrix driver cirtuits. Step by step explanation how to start your own system.
    It is convenient to drive dot LED matrix displays using IC drivers of 5×7 dot LED matrix’s like MAX6952 and MAX6953. These two IC’s differ only by data interfaces: SPI for MAX6952 and I2C for MAX6953. In this article you will se how these driver IC’s can be controlled by computer using LPT port.Program provided [...]
    in Public bookmarks with control dot led lpt matrix pc port project
  • MCU project everyday
    Embedded projects from around the web
    in Public bookmarks with 8051 arm7tdmi avr bank based circuits devices mcu microcontroller microprocessor pic project
  • Set up AVRStudio to use AVR-GCC compiler
    Short and ease tutorial how to work with AVR-GCC compiler in AVRStudio environment. Few steps how to start your first project.
    After release of AVRStudio4 there is possible to integrate AVR-GCC compiler in to it. As you know AVRstudio is a powerful tool which has assembler compiler- debugger, programmer, etc. Integration of AVR-GCC to it makes this tool much more powerful and more complete playground for developer. Plugin which is built in AVRStudio detects AVR-GCC [...]
    in Public bookmarks with atmel avr avrstudio gcc project
  • Interfacing PC keyboard to AVR microcontroller
    In many situations you need some kind of human interface to your microcontroller project. In this example is interfacing AVR microcontroller to standard PC AT keyboard described.
    Properties:Interface AVR to standard PC AT keyboard;Only two I/O lines used. One line is also connected to external interrupt pin of AVR;No external components is needed for interface;Included C source reads from keyboard interface and converts to serialIn many situations you need some kind of human interface to your microcontroller project. In this example is [...]
    in Public bookmarks with atmel avr c interfacing keyboard project

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