Giving WordPress Its Own Directory moving wp files from root to subfolder with wordpresswpby 3 users Note: **** **** Note!! **** **** **** ****
The instructions ask you to move an htaccess file that doesn't exist (at least on dreamhost installs). Do everything else. Update your permalink at the end and the htacess file will be created.
HTML Tidy Online HTML Tidy is a tool for checking and cleaning up HTML source files. It is especially useful for finding and correcting errors in deeply nested HTML, or for making grotesque code legible once more. HTML Tidy Online is a tool for checking and cleaning up HTML source files. It is especially useful for finding and correcting errors in deeply nested HTML, or for making grotesque code legible once more. hedleyhtmljonathanonlineprettyprinttidy with codedevelopmenthtmlwebdesignwebstandardsby 7 users
Idealware: CMS options Comparing Open Source CMS: Joomla, Drupal, and Plone We look carefully at Joomla, Drupal, and Plone to compare their strengths and weaknesses for nonprofit organizations. with cmscomparedrupaljoomlaploneby 3 users