FireRift CMS alternative cms that supposedly runs independent of templates. or at least turns them around. built by a designer/developer for designers. worth checking out. with cmstry
Flickr reverse lookup use filename to find photo. the photo id is the part before the uderscore. such as 2179080052 in 2179080052_1368ba909e_o.jpg with flickrphotos
Font stack builder: surprising great tool... "Create robust CSS font-family declarations...shows the probability that your preferred fonts are displayed on Windows, Mac and Linux Web browsers." with browswerscssfonts
FrontlineSMS: A free, large scale text messaging solution for NGOs and non-profit organizations "A lack of communication can be a major barrier for grassroots non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in developing countries. FrontlineSMS is the first text messaging system created exclusively with this problem in mind. By leveraging basic tools already available to most NGOs — computers and mobile phones — FrontlineSMS enables instantaneous two-way communication on a large scale. It’s easy to implement, simple to operate, and best of all, the software is free. You just pay for the messages you send in the normal way." with mobileopensourcesmstxtby 3 users
Gigya social web tools to distribute connect and engage with socialby 10 users