- user-contributed map
uses google spreadsheet. form submission. no server side scripts.
in design & dev apps & util with form maps spreadsheets
- community map
Creating a User-Contributed Map with PHP and Google Spreadsheets
in design & dev apps & util with distributed maps spreadsheets
- coup google docs
theCoup's Google Docs & Spreadsheets
in design & dev apps & util with docs google spreadsheets
- Google Maps JavaScript API Example
spreadsheet to map example from google developer. use marker mananger to only load points currently in view. cleaned up august 2008.
in design & dev apps & util with maps spreadsheets
- google spreadsheets
collaborative online spreadsheets
in online software & services with collaboration peer software spreadsheets utility
- Map Multiple Locations by Address
get the lat and longitude for maps. paste in spreadsheet date.
Make maps from a list of multiple locations, create a mobile optimized map or locator. Free hosting for your custom interactive map.
in design & dev apps & util with latitude longitude mapping maps spreadsheets by 6 users
- maps discussion
discussion of google employee example on google groups
in design & dev apps & util with maps spreadsheets
- OpenOffice.org
open source alternative to microsoft. full featured word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database software.
OpenOffice.org: The Free, Open Source Office Suite
developer office ooo open openoffice source star staroffice uno xml
in software, fonts, stock images with open source spreadsheets word by 14 users
- spreadsheet mapper 2.0
google spreadsheet generates feed for google map. code is built into spreadsheet to create feeds. allow various templates for location bubbles. very flexible but the html for templates is a gnarly mess.
in design & dev apps & util with google maps spreadsheets by 3 users
- spreadsheet to map
using google spreadsheet to drive a google map
in design & dev apps & util with maps spreadsheets
- spreadsheet to map wizard
google spreadsheet wizard to create map code
in design & dev apps & util with maps spreadsheets
- zoho
includes a backpack alternative. free files and images. "Online Productivity Applications, Web Word Processing, Spreadsheet, Presentations and More"
Zoho offers a suite of online web applications geared towards increasing your productivity and offering easy collaboration. Zoho's online office tools include a word processor, spreadsheet application, presentation tool, hosted wiki, notebook, CRM, Database software etc
applications crm m office online presentation processor productivity project software spreadsheets tools virutal web wiki word
in online software & services with backpack docs organize share spreadsheets by 34 users
spreadsheets from all users