- Discussion about Dojo 1.7 builds and optimization options
By henrik in Development > Web development with 1.7 build dojo optimization
- The Dojo Build System view /build/buildSystem
Dojo 1.7 live docs with updated info on new build system
By henrik in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with 1.7 build dojo system
- Custom build in dojo 1.7. « Ivar Conradi Østhus
In this blog-post I will explain how to do a simple custom build with dojo’s build system. Dojo is a great JavaScript framework and you can read more about it at dojotoolkit.org.
By henrik in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with 1.7 build dojo howto
- Create optimized Dojo builds for your custom Dojo artifacts
Create a custom Dojo build for your custom widgets without including any modules from the dojo/dojox/dijit packages into your build output. Custom Dojo builds reduce the number of modules to be downloaded by combining all the modules into a single file, thereby reducing the number of network calls required for the individual module files. These techniques were developed with a real-world project where compact packages were a requirement. This article helps you to create optimized Dojo builds using the Dojo build tool.
By henrik in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with build dojo
- Building a Dojo Application using IBM Rational Application Developer
In this tutorial you will create a Dojo application using the Web tools in IBM® Rational® Application Developer Version 8.0. Rational Application Developer provides wizards, content assist, validation, property views, palette drops, and other visual tools for rapidly developing Dojo web applications. You will build a Dojo-based loan payment calculator. The calculator accepts three pieces of input: loan amount, interest rate, and term. It outputs the monthly payment, a pie chart displaying the percentage of loan costs going towards principal and interest, and an amortization table. There is no submit button because the output fields are updated in real-time as users enter or change input.
By henrik in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with application build dojo ibm rad web2.0 widget
- Build your own diversity controller! - RC Groups
Ever since I discovered that most RF electronics have an RSSI (relative signal strength) pin on them I have been finding different ways to use it to my advantage. In this case I can use them to make a diversity system for a fraction of the cost of a conventional diversity controller. Sure this requires a little more work than simply buying a diversity controller, but my controller uses less power and also allows me to power my entire base station from a single battery. Even my video glasses and recorder can be powered straight from this controller! I even put a voltage monitor on it. Now more worrying about charging multiple batteries and worrying about any one going dead.
By henrik in Radiostyrt > FPV with build diversity fpv howto rssi signal strengt tutorial video
- Build a Simple Wind Turbine
A Bill Moyers NOW individual project
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy build hands-on kidwind turbine wind
- US DOE Wind Powering America: Wind for Schools Project
Wind Powering America and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) launched the Wind for Schools project in 2005 by conducting a pilot project in Colorado that resulted in one small wind turbine installed in Walsenburg, wind energy curriculum development, and a great deal of enthusiasm for the Wind for Schools project's potential. The Wind for Schools project works to replicate the process piloted in Walsenburg by installing many more small wind turbines, engaging local citizens in a wind energy discussion, and developing a knowledge base for wind energy within schools.
By pdboyer in Energy with build curriculum kidwind pilot powering project renewable turbine wind
- Build A Gadget Free gadgets, widgets, and apps that save time and space.url
By rtew in Bookmarks > Favorites > 3 with apps build free gadget gadgets save time widgets by 2 users
- Build A Gadget Support Facebook Explorer.url
By rtew in Bookmarks > Favorites > 2 with build explorer.url facebook gadget support by 2 users
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