- Wind Powering America: Resources and Tools for School Wind Energy
Resources and Tools for School Wind Energy This page lists resources and tools specifically for schools. News, Publications, and Web Resources
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy news resources schools tools web wind
- Build a Simple Wind Turbine
A Bill Moyers NOW individual project
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy build hands-on kidwind turbine wind
- Wind Powering America Teacher Materials
Wind Energy Curricula, Tutorials, and Teaching Materials Find wind energy curricula and teaching materials for both younger and older students.
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy curricula energy kidwind materials tutorials wind
- Energy Basics: Wind Turbines
Although all wind turbines operate on similar principles, several varieties are in use today. These include horizontal axis turbines and vertical axis turbines. Wind Turbines 101
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy basic kidwind renewable turbines wind
- Forces and Winds: online meteorology guide
The weight of the air above an object exerts a force per unit area upon that object and this force is called pressure. Variations in pressure lead to the development of winds, which in turn influence our daily weather. The purpose of this module is to introduce pressure, how it changes with height and the importance of high and low pressure systems. In addition, this module introduces the pressure gradient and Coriolis forces and their role in generating wind. Local wind systems such as land breezes and sea breezes will also be introduced
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy introduction kidwind pressure weather wind
- KidWind Project on Vimeo
Animations used to teach with the KidWind turbines kits
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy energy movies renewable vimeo wind
- The Energy Story
A multi-chapter online book about energy from EnergyQuest in Canada. Great text about what energy is, where it comes from, what it does, and alternatives to fossil fuels
By pdboyer in Energy with alternative_energy energy fossil_fuel wind
Results 1 - 7 for alternative_energy