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  • Building a Dojo Application using IBM Rational Application Developer
    In this tutorial you will create a Dojo application using the Web tools in IBM® Rational® Application Developer Version 8.0. Rational Application Developer provides wizards, content assist, validation, property views, palette drops, and other visual tools for rapidly developing Dojo web applications. You will build a Dojo-based loan payment calculator. The calculator accepts three pieces of input: loan amount, interest rate, and term. It outputs the monthly payment, a pie chart displaying the percentage of loan costs going towards principal and interest, and an amortization table. There is no submit button because the output fields are updated in real-time as users enter or change input.
    in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with application build dojo ibm rad web2.0 widget
  • Developing hybrid applications for Android? Try mobile web tools in Rational Application Developer with Android Eclipse SDK
    Using web technologies to develop native mobile applications has become a popular solution when writing applications for multiple smartphone platforms. Such applications are typically labeled as "hybrid", referring to the mix of native code and web code running inside the application. As far as development tools are concerned, different options exist for different platforms. In this post I focus on a method for developing in the hybrid model for the Android platform because of the easy integration between the tools for native development on the Eclipse platform. More specifically the Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-ins for Eclipse will be used for native Android development, Rational Application Developer (RAD) tools for web development. Lastly the
    in Development > Mobile Web Apps with android app application developer development hybrid mobile phonegap rad rational sdk

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