- phonegap / apache-callback-proposal
Apache Callback is the free software evolution of the popular PhoneGap project. PhoneGap evolved from a hack that enabled a FFI (Foreign Function Interface) to an embedded WebView on iOS to a complete suite of tools for tackling parity across many mobile device and desktop platforms. PhoneGap has always focused on two complementary goals. Our first goal, is to see the web as a first class development platform. Not a sandbox without a filesystem but a real first class platform that includes access to the local system apis, sensors and data, in addition to first class tooling such as system debuggers. The second goal of PhoneGap is for the project to cease to exist. This is not a nihilistic sentiment, rather we at the PhoneGap project are providing a referen
By henrik in Development > Mobile Web Apps with apache app callback hybrid mobile native open phonegap source web
- Barnböcker som appar - "Vi måste bryta sjukronorsvanan" - IDG.se
App-världens distribution ställer också speciella krav. Hos Apple måste varje app prövas för sig. – Har man fått igenom en app i en serie så vet man att resten också är klara. Men Apple vet ju inget om oss eller intresserar sig – det är som att prata med en burk. Eller faxa som man får göra. Det är en väldigt märklig kommunikation – finns ingen att ringa eller fråga. Han konstaterar att det bara är att lita på dem. – Men man är rätt utlämnad till ett företag i USA. Därför vill vi ju också finnas på flera plattformar.
By henrik in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with android app apple appstore barnböcker iphone mobile store
- Apparna som ger skolkoll - Graffiti-artiklar - graffiti.gp.se
De håller koll på schemat, hjälper dig minnas formler och låter dig till och med diktera det du vill ha skrivet. Men hur bra är apparna som ska hjälpa till med skolarbetet? Graffitis patrull, Jack Ladow, Daniel Bradshaw och Clara Szolnoky, har testat nio stycken.
By henrik in Barn & föräldrar with app appar barn mobil mobiltelefoner telefon
- Developing hybrid applications for Android? Try mobile web tools in Rational Application Developer with Android Eclipse SDK
Using web technologies to develop native mobile applications has become a popular solution when writing applications for multiple smartphone platforms. Such applications are typically labeled as "hybrid", referring to the mix of native code and web code running inside the application. As far as development tools are concerned, different options exist for different platforms. In this post I focus on a method for developing in the hybrid model for the Android platform because of the easy integration between the tools for native development on the Eclipse platform. More specifically the Android Development Tools (ADT) plug-ins for Eclipse will be used for native Android development, Rational Application Developer (RAD) tools for web development. Lastly the
By henrik in Development > Mobile Web Apps with android app application developer development hybrid mobile phonegap rad rational sdk
- Financial Times nya webapp
Eftersom Apple vill ha 30 procent av intäkterna från alla ”köp inuti program” ansåg många av förlagen att man borde få kräva mer betalt av dem som använder sig av funktionen än av dem som tecknar sin prenumeration på annat sätt.
Som en följd valde exempelvis Financial Times att lägga ner utvecklingen av sin app och i stället erbjuda en lösning baserad på html 5 (video nedan). På så sätt skulle man nämligen få behålla hundra procent av intäkterna.
By henrik in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with app apple financial html5 store times webapp
- Mobile application development, Part 1: PhoneGap and Dojo Mobile on Android
In this series, you'll start out by creating a simple, mobile application, and end by consuming web services from your Android device. Learn how to use Eclipse and PhoneGap to create a mobile hybrid application using only HTML and JavaScript. You'll also use Mobile Dojo to give the application that native feel. In this article, learn how to combine PhoneGap and Mobile Dojo to rapidly create a hybrid mobile application for Android that looks and behaves like a typical Android application.
By henrik in Development > Mobile Web Apps with app html5 mobile phonegap tutorial web
- Dojo docs
The Dojo Toolkit documentation
By henrik in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with ajax api app demos documentation dojo html javascript mobile reference tips toolkit tricks
- Google App Engine - Cloud computing
By trio in Public bookmarks with app free programado programming project projekto senkoste by 2 users
- OnSwipe
Insanely Easy Tablet Publishing
By trio in Public bookmarks with app ilo programado programming tool
- CloudMade
The Leading Platform for Creating and Monetizing Unique Applications With Location
By trio in Public bookmarks with app iloj programado programming tools by 2 users
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