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  • I ♥s Sabrejets - "The Epic Tale of Rodney & John, Two Girl Scout Cookies in Love," SGA, crack, Rodney/John.
    Title: The Epic Tale of Rodney & John, Two Girl Scout Cookies in Love [The Pix or it Didn't Happen Remix] Fandom: Stargate Atlantis Character(s)/Pairing(s): Rodney/John Rating: R Warnings: Cookie porn, crumbs, strong language, extreme crackiness. Very image-heavy. No spoilers. Word Count: ~1250 (in text and 80 pictures) Disclaimer: The Stargate franchise belongs to MGM. Girl Scout cookies belong to Girl Scouts of the USA. Characters and cookie brands belong to their respective owners and creators. I don't own the Little Brownie Bakers bakery. This remix was written with the permission of the original authors. Many elements were borrowed from their original version. Elements and dialogue new to this version of the story, along with the photographs, are mine.
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