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  • apple_pi: Episode tag for "Quarantined" under here. Rated *gasp!* PG-13, at best.
    Episode tag for "Quarantined" under here. Rated *gasp!* PG-13, at best. ~*~ Not on the Market
    with apple_pi mcshep post-quarantined
  • apple_pi: Not Exactly Rocket Science
    College newspaper shenanigans, SGA-style So a few days ago (a week ago? I have no idea), I begged secrethappiness for SGA story ideas. Because she is fabulous like that, she promptly sent me five or six fantastic AU prompts and I started poking at them. At this point, I think only three are going to get written (although I really hope SOMEONE writes about NASCAR-driver John and brilliant-but-cranky pit-crew chief Rodney), and this is one of them. I kind of left it at a critical moment, sorry about that. It's not that I don't have more in my head (because I do and I kind of love it, if it works out), it's that so far it's coming out badly whenever I try writing it, and I thought this was fun enough to post on its own. Also I'm slightly evil and I like leavin
    with au mcshep nc-17
  • apple_pi: The Paradox of Vision (Part 2)
    he Paradox of Vision, Part 2
    with hurtcomfort mcshep paradox_of_vision
  • Bad Wolf - FIC: The John Sheppard Book Club
    The John Sheppard Book Club Characters/Pairing: John/Rodney, with special appearances by Teyla and Ronon Rating: PG-13ish, but only because of a little bad language Summary: In this universe, John Sheppard can read a lot faster than he usually lets on. Disclaimer: I own nothing you might recognize. Warnings: None. Feedback: Always appreciated. Author's Notes: Many, many hugs, thanks and smooches to amberlynne for the enabling, the encouragement, and the beta services. I wrote this before I'd even seen most of season two, so keep that in mind, though now I'd say it'd probably slot in somewhere in season three just fine. There is some talk of plot points of classic novels (or Harry Potter), but that's mostly because it's apparently required that I riff on Ann
    with krabapple mcshep podfic_read
  • cesperanza: New SGA Story: Anti-climax
    Title: Anti-climax Author: Speranza Fandom: SGA Pairings: John/Teyla, John/Ronon, John/Rodney, John/other (implied) (oh shut up!) Excerpt: It surprised him, actually, that it took him so long to have sex with Rodney, considering that he spent way more time with Rodney than with anyone else.
    with a_speranza mcshep podfic_read
  • comfort_andjoy: Fic - SGA
    to fight aloud is very brave Stargate: Atlantis, Keller/Dex, 3100 words, set just after 4.07, 'Missing'. Thanks to the ever-patient sheafrotherdon for rescuing this.
    with rononjenifer
  • crimsonclad: explosions! AND CHOLOROPHYLL!!
    explosions! AND CHOLOROPHYLL!!
    with genius katiebrownandmajorwhatsherface
  • crimsonclad: fic: in the greenwood shade
    fic: in the greenwood shade "You're such a fucking princess, McKay," Sheppard had said once, almost fondly.
    with a_crimsonclad mcshep
  • Crys in Space - Fic: "Do Over" by Crysothemis 1/2
    Fic: "Do Over" by Crysothemis 1/2 Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: John/Rodney (with a side order of John/many) Rating: NC-17 — for adults only Length: about 19,000 words Summary: John never sleeps with anyone twice Warnings: badsex — OMG so much badsex — and implied het sex Thanks: To [info]wpadmirer, [info]tex, and [info]lamardeuse for beta. A/N: General Season 4 spoilers, including specific spoilers for "Quarantine." Not mine.
    with a_crysothemis mcshep nc-17
  • dogeared v-day mcshep snippet
    dogeared v-day mcshep snippet
    with fluff mcshep short
  • East Coast Gazette - [14 Valentines] Day 9
    "Circuitous" wherein John is the scientist and rodney is the major.
    with au
  • East Coast Gazette - shift and share
    ( Because when I say 'Why isn't somebody writing me...?' what I mostly mean is that I'm firing up my word document already -- or -- Shift: the post Return story that I will never never never finish -- or -- the son of ficdump. )
    with earth mcshep post-return
  • Equal-Opportunity Kissing Bandit - Missing Moments: Changes and Soup Weather
    Missing Moments: Changes and Soup Weather Additional stories for the 'Walk this way' and 'Clean plate club' 'verses
    with domestic mcshep
  • fiercelydreamed: [SGA] Sweet Charity Ficpost #1 -- for Amberlynne
    Title: The Convocation Summary: The idea was so startling that Rodney actually shut the laptop and pushed it aside. "You're serious," he said to Teyla. "Someone in the Pegasus Galaxy is hosting a scientific conference?" Details: SGA, McKay/Sheppard, light R, ~3,500 words. Notes: The first of my three Sweet Charity fics, written for the wonderful and generous [info]amberlynne. A., I threw a twist on your prompt, but it gave me a new way to work in the ingredients you were hoping for. I sincerely hope you like it, and thank you so much again for doing this with me. Additional thanks to [info]shaenie for the beta.
    with a_fiercelydreamed mcshep
  • fiercelydreamed: Canon for Two Instruments (the missing scene from Unidentified)
    Title: Canon for Two Instruments Summary: They fog the glass and leave their handprints all over it, until all that shows in John's periphery is the city blurred out into smudges of color, gold and orange and deep blue. The missing scene from part three of Unidentified (index post here). Details: NC-17, McKay/Sheppard, AU, ~5300 words. Notes: Sincere thanks to shaenie, thingswithwings, and (way back in the day) secrethappiness for betaing, to cindyjade (again, because), and to the handful of people who read this over the last few months and assured me that it was good enough to post.
    with a_fiercelydreamed au mcshep
  • fiercelydreamed: Lucid
    Title: Lucid Summary: Can you make it until 3 a.m.? he'd asked. I should be able to figure something out by then. Notes: SGA, McKay/Sheppard, explicit, ~1,650 words. Written in just under an hour for shaenie's specifications (voyeurism, John/Rodney, in whatever combination you like). No spoilers, unbetaed.
    with fiercelydreamed mchep nc-17
  • fire_fiction: 39+ by Yin, John/Rodney, NC-17
    39+ by Yin, John/Rodney, NC-17 39+ For winter_elf, in return for a generous donation to fire_fic Prompt: I'd love to see you expand and fill out 39 Kisses with more detail (and kissing!) and the porny follow up. Follows Kiss Me 39 Times, Seventeen to Eighteen, 28, All the Rest Have 31…, C-38 and One for the Team: Kiss Number 39 Sheppard/McKay NC-17 No beta (see: lazy) Summary: Thirty-nine. It was fast becoming his favorite number.
    with kisses mcshep nc-17 podfic_read
  • fire_fiction: Fic: Decision
    Decision Author: sheafrotherdon Pairing/Fandom: McKay/Sheppard, Stargate: Atlantis Rating: PG (for the swears) Disclaimer: Not mine, not mine – I merely play in the sandbox Prompt: "a long, focused, leading up to taking the leap towards being together . . . a journey fic . . . I have a soft spot for hand-holding." A/N: for wild_isis as part of the fire_fic effort! Many thanks, as ever, to the wondrous dogeared for her indispensable beta skills.
    with mcshep
  • flananigans
    651 / IM Silliness
    with a_siriaeve mcshep nantucket nc-17 ot5
  • flananigans - 620 / Fic - Stargate Atlantis
    It's Not That We're Scared Stargate: Atlantis | McKay/Sheppard | 800 words | Episode coda for 4.15, 'Outcast.' Thanks to the splendiferous trinityofone for betaing.
    with a_siriaeve mcshep post_outcast

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