- Bad Wolf - FIC: The John Sheppard Book Club
The John Sheppard Book Club Characters/Pairing: John/Rodney, with special appearances by Teyla and Ronon Rating: PG-13ish, but only because of a little bad language Summary: In this universe, John Sheppard can read a lot faster than he usually lets on. Disclaimer: I own nothing you might recognize. Warnings: None. Feedback: Always appreciated. Author's Notes: Many, many hugs, thanks and smooches to amberlynne for the enabling, the encouragement, and the beta services. I wrote this before I'd even seen most of season two, so keep that in mind, though now I'd say it'd probably slot in somewhere in season three just fine. There is some talk of plot points of classic novels (or Harry Potter), but that's mostly because it's apparently required that I riff on Ann
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