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  • ladycat777: Fic: When All That's Wrong is Right (PG-13, Jeanie, 1/1)
    Title: When All That's Wrong is Right Fandom: SGA Rating: PG-13 for concepts Characters: Jeanie Miller Spoilers: McKay and Mrs Miller Summary: “He has to do it,” Rod says, clipped and fast and it’s not right that he sounds so much like him. It confuses her and she doesn’t know how to respond. “You can’t let him not do it, okay?” Words: 4200 Disclaimers: not mine, blah blah Feedback and concrit: make my world go round A/N: Betad by the fantabulous grammar_glamour and goddess-like neverneverfic who yanked me up by my bootstraps and made me write what I should've written, and not the crap I came out with first.
    in sga fic with jeanie mcshep post-mrs_millar
  • chelle's reflections - Fic: Bridges
    Bridges Pairing: John/Rodney Category: First Time Rating: mild PG Spoilers: McKay and Mrs. Miller Word Count: 5700 Summary: Jeannie is convinced her brother and John are just good friends. Her husband isn't so sure. When they come to visit Jeannie and Kaleb have a chance to find out which of them is right. Notes: Thank you to Grrrl for reading this over.
    in sga fic with domestic jeanie mcshep
  • sardonicsmiley - how the millers relaxed and learned to love rodney
    how the millers relaxed and learned to love rodney Fandom: SG: Atlantis Title: How the Millers Relaxed and Learned to Love Rodney (With A Little Help from John Sheppard) Characters: Jeannie, Kaleb, Madison, John/Rodney Rating: PG Warnings: General spoilers for season four, implied slash, slight language Disclaimer: Not mine! Beta: ferret_kitty, who did this ON VACATION, YO! Summary: Sooner or later, Rodney just gets under your skin. Author’s Note: Because I want Rodney to have a (happier) family. What? Wish fulfillment is allowed, right?
    in unread_yet_sga with domestic jeanie mcshep

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