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  • apple_pi
    The Daughters of Hope
    in sga fic with babies team teyla useful_things
  • perspi: Fic: Beneath Your Heart
    Beneath Your Heart Author: perspi Rating: PG Word Count: 2700 Pairing: None Summary: The best family is the one you make. Relates to Episodes: Season 4 Disclaimer: Me, I own nothing. Notes: Sequel to ladycat777's lovely Inside Your Hands.
    in sga fic with babies team teyla
  • liviapenn
    Fic: The You And Whose Army Job (Leverage/Stargate Atlantis)
    in crossovers with leverage sga teyla
  • aesc: .fic: Ariadne - Teyla, team (R)
    Ariadne, hard R (implied Teyla/Carson, pre-McKay/Sheppard; ~5,300) atlantisbasics fic for wojelah, who wanted something about Teyla and how the rest of the team views her. This came out a bit more as how Teyla views her team, but I hope you like it :> Notes: This fic contains brief mentions of implied rape/non-consensual sex. They are, however, very fleeting (mostly alluded to and not described in detail). To talk about them more kind of gives away the rest of the story, though the circumstances come out in the first few paragraphs--but I thought I'd issue the warning in case.
    in unread_yet_sga with team teyla
  • samdonne: The Cowgirl Variant.
    The Cowgirl Variant. I woke up in pain at four in the morning, took some drugs, drank some tea, (chose not to read; I have been reading faster than Amazon can deliver), and wrote this. Then filled up half a notebook with scraps. Do not read the following if you cannot deal with uncertainty and long wait. This needs another forty thousand words, and the only way for that to happen soon would be for me to default on my contracts, be sent to jail for treason or crime de Lese Majeste or some such, at which point, yes, I would have time to write. Mostly I need to get it out of my system.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_m teyla your_cowboy_days_are_over
  • teylafen: 12 Days of Teyla: FIC: A Beautiful Thing
    A Beautiful Thing Author: wojelah Title: A Beautiful Thing Rating: G Warnings: Spoilers through S4, The Seer Author's Notes: Phew - just under the wire. Thanks to omglawdork for the idea and smittywing for pulling beta duty. Title from the quote from Mother Theresa: "Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." Summary: Teyla avoids generalizations as a rule, because that way lies miscommunication and disaster, but she will allow herself this exception: a man reveals himself when he smiles in public; a woman, knowing she is observed, hides behind her grin.
    in sga fic with a_wojelah team teyla

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