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  • aesc: undermistletoe documentation fic: Graffiti - McKay/Sheppard (PG13) 1.1
    Graffiti Author: aesc Fandom: SGA Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG13 Word Count: 3,200 + art Notes: Hugest thanks to dogeared for beta'ing! This was idea, um, #13 of about twenty for the documentary fic, and... yeah.
    in sga fic with angst mcshep
  • toft_froggy: fic: Fix, John/Rodney, NC-17
    Fix Rating: NC-17 Wordcount: ~7300 (longest PWP evar) Pairing: John/Rodney Summary: John's in a fix. Set some time in S3, no particular spoilers. Basically a long PWP with consent issues (although no actual noncon), angst, fucked-up-ness, and, um, jokes about castration. A/N: I'm kind of ambivalent about it, actually, but I decided I was going to finish it, dammit, and I did, thanks to my wonderful betas wychwood and frostfire_17, who made it a far better story, often in the face of my stubbornness. Quite a few other people helped me along with this in the beginning, most notably amireal, who encouraged/bribed me into writing it in the first place and helped me work out the setup. I'm afraid I don't remember who the others were, although I'm pretty sure the
    in sga fic with angst mcshep nc-17 toft_froggy
  • sardonicsmiley - Five People John Sheppard Didn’t Kill on P11-23R
    Five People John Sheppard Didn’t Kill on P11-23R Fandom: SG: Atlantis Title: Five People John Sheppard Didn’t Kill on P11-23R Characters: John/Rodney heavily implied Rating: R Warnings: Implied slash, language, serious whump, violence Disclaimer: Not mine! Beta: ferret_kitty who is possibly getting closer to killing me. Justified homicide! Summary: The boys get kidnapped, John gets them out. Told by five people he doesn’t kill in the process. Author’s Note: So, someone said: write a fic where John goes all crazy over Rodney being kidnapped/tortured/whatever, and because I am a whore easily impressionable, I did. I like crazy!John. And bloody!Rodney. Perhaps, too much.
    in sga fic with angst hurtcomfort mcshep
  • yin - good to want
    Good to Want mcshep
    in sga fic with angst mcshep
  • chelle's reflections - Fic
    Cross My Heart - DADT rodney/katie rodney/john
    in sga fic with angst dadt mcshep
  • gblvr_lite: SGA: [shift] Reality (McKay/Sheppard, rated R) 1/3
    Title: [shift] Reality (1/3) Fandom/Pairing: Stargate: Atlantis; McKay/Sheppard (perceived Weir/Sheppard; minor Weir/Caldwell & Lorne/Zelenka) Rating: R Disclaimer: Not mine, please don't sue! Comments: Written (as a pinch-hit, even!) for the 2007 mcshep_match Pre-Season Friendly; I played for Team Angst; my prompt was 'Graveyard Shift.'
    in sga fic with angst mcshep
  • Homunculus
    Homunculus Team: Team Angst Prompt: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, Elizabeth/Ronon Rating: Sexual content Warnings: None Summary: You don't always find what you're looking for
    in sga fic with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Aftermath, "On the Trail of Polaris"
    On the Trail of Polaris Team: Angst Prompt: Aftermath Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG Warnings: Spoilers for Trinity Summary: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore
    in unread_yet_sga with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Blue Moon, "Paschal's Lamb (the Rabbit in the Moon mix)"
    Paschal's Lamb (the Rabbit in the Moon mix) Team: Angst Prompt: Blue Moon Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, McKay/others Rating: R Warnings: Non-con (non-explicit) Summary: Speak to us, she says, and tell of your life before us. Notes: With grateful thanks to all the members of Team Angst, who have been brilliant with their suggestions, cheerleading and beta'ing.
    in sga fic with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Famous Last Words, "Midnight Shakes the Memory"
    Midnight Shakes the Memory Team: Angst Prompt: Famous Last Words Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 for language Warnings: none Summary: Sheppard doesn't remember who he is, but he remembers Rodney.
    in unread_yet_sga with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Finest Hour, "Moments, Coming and Going"
    Moments, Coming and Going Team: Angst Prompt: Finest Hour Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 (language, non-explicit sexual content) Warnings: none Summary: Their place in the universe brought him here, to this moment, to the thousand and one that came before. Once you've read the story, please take a moment to vote in the poll below. Ratings go from 1 (low) to 9 (high), so all you need to do is enter a single number in that range into each text entry box. You'll be able to see the Prompt and Team (Genre) information in the header above. More details about the voting procedure can be found here.
    in unread_yet_sga with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Sacrifice, "Responsibility"
    Responsibility Team: Angst Prompt: Sacrifice Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard, McKay/Brown Rating: R Warnings: none Summary: Rodney finds that doing the right thing isn't always easy, when you want something else.
    in about_writing with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Shot in the Dark, "Machinery of Night"
    Machinery of Night Team: Angst Prompt: Shot in the Dark Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: NC-17 Warnings: violence, suicidal thoughts Summary: "Get a grip, John. It was just a nightmare."
    in unread_yet_sga with angst mcshep nc-17
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Strategy, "In a Dark Wood"
    In a Dark Wood Team: Angst Prompt: Strategy Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: hard R Warnings: violence, sex Summary: A five-day hunt.
    in unread_yet_sga with angst mcshep
  • mcshep_match: TEAM ANGST: Transformation, "Life (Sometimes It Washes Over Me)"
    Life (Sometimes It Washes Over Me) Team: Angst Prompt: Transformation Pairing: McKay/Sheppard Rating: Adult Warnings: Contains material that some may find disturbing and/or triggering. Summary: This is growing up. Sometimes it hurts, but you clench your teeth and grin and bear it and don't think about tomorrow.
    in unread_yet_sga with angst mcshep
  • Rock, Paper (No Scissors)
    Rock, Paper (No Scissors) Team: Angst Prompt: Correspondence Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard Rating: R for violence and brief hypothetical nudity. Warnings: None. Summary: "First of all--as impressed as I am by the nonchalance with which you can just decide to risk life and limb, 'Oh, I think I'll escape from the prison camp today,' the way most people say 'I think I'll wear the blue tie'--as impressive as that admittedly is!--you do realize, don't you, that by writing to me about your daring escape plans, you're putting me in the delicate position of having to literally eat your words?"
    in sga fic with angst mcshep
  • The Ratio of Burning
    Notes: So, this one should be subtitled ‘Rodney McKay and the Planet of the Pot Smokers’. That would give the unfair impression that it’s going to be silly and light-hearted, however, and this one is a little too dark for that. Not dark!fic, but sunshine and roses it ain’t. If you need further proof, look to the drabbly offshoot predecessor. (Incidentally, the title refers to an insurance term relating losses suffered to the amount of coverage in effect.)
    in unread_yet_sga with a_stillane angst mcshep

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