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  • mcshep_match: TEAM AWAY: Quid pro quo, "A Moment's Consideration"
    A Moment's Consideration Author: [info]monanotlisa Team: Away Prompt: Quid pro quo Pairing(s): McKay/Sheppard (other pairings in past & background) Rating: R Warnings: none given Summary: The road taken. Author's Notes: My most profuse thanks to four ladies without whom -- no hyperbole -- the story wouldn't exist like this: [info]busaikko, who was there for me when I needed her and made both brilliant and extensive suggestions, [info]smittywing without whom the plot wouldn't hold water (or any other liquid for that matter: holes, people), [info]auburnnothenna whose kick-assedness needn't be mentioned, except that it totally does, and [info]so_spiffed, an artist and kind soul who took pity on me (and also care of some phrases). They rock; remaining mistakes
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