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  • lalejandra: Rodney's Incident. R. SGA Publishing AU.
    Rodney's Incident. R. SGA Publishing AU. More publishing AU! This time it's about Rodney, really. helpwess loves this 'verse, and crimsonclad suggested a story in which Rodney's jaw is broken and wired shut, and, well... I can't resist a challenge. Or the merest suggestion of one. Or the publishing AU, which is the story of my heart. ♥ Rodney's Incident (SGA Publishing AU. This really doesn't stand alone. Read at least the part about Ronon first.)
    in sga fic with au john publishing_verse rodney ronon
  • lalejandra: You Can Never Avoid Your Mother (SGA Publishing AU, NC-17, John, Ronon, and Ronon's mama)
    You Can Never Avoid Your Mother (Stargate Atlantis publishing AU, coda. After the end, but before the Publishers Weekly article. NC-17, John/Ronon. This wasn't supposed to happen -- serialkarma tricked me into it.)
    in sga fic with au john publishing_verse rodney ronon
  • boochicken: Wanderer by boochicken (Halloween challenge)
    Wanderer Author: boochicken Rating: PG and gen. A bit angsty. Spoilers: Character mention from from "Sateda" Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended. Stargate Atlantis is the property of Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. This was written for fun, definitely not for profit.
    in sga fic with ronon
  • hth_the_first: FIC: Outward Bound (Atlantis/Angel crossover)
    So marythefan and I were discussing our love of Charles Gunn, and crossovers were discussed, and ideas flew back and forth, and the final word went something like: Hth: Oh! Oh! And then he can have sex with Ronon! Mary: Really? Ronon? Why? Hth: Because I've got ONE HUNDRED RONON STORIES TO WRITE. Until further notice, unless a character has some really compelling reason not to, everybody sleeps with Ronon. Anyway, instead of doing something productive with my Sunday, I made somebody unlikely sleep with Ronon. Outward Bound by Hth
    in unread_yet with crossover ronon
  • hth_the_first: SGA fic: Thirteen O'Clock
    Thirteen O'Clock Author: Hth Pairing: Rodney/Ronon
    in unread_yet with rodney ronon
  • idyll: Ficlet: Perpetual Motion (John, Ronon) PG
    Perpetual Motion Fandom: SGA Character: Ronon, John Rating: PG Word Count: 476 A/N: Okay, so this wasn't a request. Inspired by a post amand_r made which got me thinking about Parkour in relation to SGA and Atlantis itself. The Wikipedia entry on Parkour is here, and a YouTube vid is here
    in unread_yet_sga with john ronon
  • Where Girls Make the Rules - Fic: Have Your Cake (And Eat it Too)
    Have Your Cake (And Eat it Too) Author: JYA/Ghost Pairing(s): Parrish/Lorne, Lorne/Ronon, Parrish/Lorne/Ronon, Parrish/Ronon with a side order of Teyla/Laura and Sam/Janet Frasier. Rating: PG-13 Beta’ed By : tesserae_ Vetted By : auburnnothenna Warnings: Bad language? Uhm...eavesdropping? Three-way? Chocolate cake abuse? Author's Notes: Don't know where it came from. Set somewhere/sometime after "A Day in the Life of a Porn Script Writer." Maybe a year? Refers to a story that’s coming soon : “The Colonel and the Physicist: Hunter/Hunted.”
    in unread_yet_sga with gpfg lorneparrish ronon

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