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  • gblvr_lite: SGA: Home [The Felis Catus Extended Mix] (McShep, rated PG)
    Home [The Felis Catus Extended Mix] Author: gblvr Fandom/Pairing: SGA, John/Rodney Rating: PG Disclaimer: None of what you might recognize in this story is owned by me: the characters and most of the settings are owned by the suits, and the original story is owned by wickedwords. All I claim is the new order of the words.... Comments: This was written as part of the 2007 remix_redux; the original story is Domestic Shorthair by wickedwords. A HUGE thank you to my last minute (but still very awesome) betas, merryish and twistedchick; any remaining errors are mine and mine alone, as I ripped the story apart and re-did it at the last minute....
    in unread_yet_sga with animals mcshep
  • The Bead Box - Fic: The Road Home, part 1 A Checkmate 'Verse Story
    The Road Home, Gata, part 1, a Checkmate story Series:Checkmate ‘Verse Author: Beadattitude Pairing: John/Rodney Rating: G Beta: yin_again (Thanks yintastic one!) Warnings: Animal transformation, angst, schmoop, romance Author's Notes: I'm still working on the transformation fic, which is taking longer than expected because I just really want to get it right, y'all. So, since you've been waiting so patiently, here's how it all starts. Summary: Part of the Checkmate ‘verse endgame. John feels like he needs to return to Gata for his transformation. Set after “Conviction.”
    in sga fic with animals checkmate mcshep

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