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  • captanddeastar: Fic: The Tragic, Doomed, and Epic Life and Loves of Elizabeth Jean McKay (SGA)
    The Tragic, Doomed, and Epic Life and Loves of Elizabeth Jean McKay, Plus Other Interesting Stuff Author: Deastar Pairing: McKay / Sheppard (SGA) Disclaimer: Not mine, don't sue! Rating: PG Words: ~13,500 Summary: All of this drama about her tragic love for Lorne has been distracting Elizabeth from her real priority: The Top Secret, Super Awesome, Ass-Kicking, Name-Taking, Huzzah for the Genius Elizabeth, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, And He Shall Reign Forever and Ever Anniversary Present of Unparalleled Magnificence and Splendor. A/N: For Christmas, the Captain asked for McShep+kidfic, Lorne/Parrish a plus. This is the result. Beta'd for posting by the Captain.
    in unread_yet_sga with a_captanddeastar domestic mcshep

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