Algebraic Topology by Allen Hatcher A bunch of books written by Allen Hatcher, in particular Algebraic Topology (described below) recommended by Grant... This is the first in a series of three textbooks in algebraic topology having the goal of covering all the basics while remaining readable by newcomers seeing the subject for the first time. The first book contains the basic core material along with a number of optional topics of a relatively elementary nature. The other two books, which are largely independent of each other, are provisionally titled "Vector Bundles and K-Theory" and "Spectral Sequences in Algebraic Topology." A downloadable textbook in algebraic topology algebraictopology in Educational > Mathematics > Topology Bookswith algebraicbasicsbookbookseducationeducationalelementarynewcomerstextbookstopology Note: $30 off
Desktop EyeCandy - Ubuntu Document Storage Facility I write this HOWTO, I got alot of PMs on how to do this and how to that because of my Screenshots I've added to the Gallery. So I made this simple HOWTO on the basics changes to make a desktop look mean, clean killing machine. I'll add some more to the howto continuesly. NB. Don't Pm me about the icons. All of them I've gathered throughout the web and added to my desktop manually. Most of them are copyrighted/trademarked etc. So I won't transfer them. Sorry. in Computing > Linux > Howtowith basicsdesktopgalleryhowtomanuallyscreenshotstrademarked
Linux Basics . org [LBo] Linux course for people who want to learn what is under the hood of a Linux-System. If you are completely new to Linux, you might want to take a look at the LBox, a way to try out linux in a virtual environment, without danger for your running system. We also offer tutorials and links to sites that offer information needed to install and use Linux. We also run a friendly mailing-list for Questions that arise when people start using Linux. An IRC-channel completes the list of things you can find here. As a community, we depend on your feedback and collaboration. So, if you have something to share with others, please contact us. If you have a suggestion for a topic you would like to see covered here, please add it on the Wishlist. in Computing > Linuxwith basicbasicsbeginnercomputercomputingcoursefreefriendlyhowtoinformationlinuxlinux-systemmailing-listresourecetutorialsby 3 users
Ubuntu Linux | a community for beginners and experts Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default, every other package you can imagine available from the network, a commitment to security updates for 18 months after each release and professional technical support from many companies around the world. Our Ubuntu community wants to offer you everything you need for your Ubuntu experience. So please get involved and spread the Ubuntu (and Kubuntu) spirit! Ubuntu Linux for beginners. A blogging community with support forums and more. Start your own free blog and communicate with other Ubuntu interested people. in Computing > Linuxwith basicbasicsbeginnercommunitycomputercomputingcoursefreefriendlyhowtoinformationlinuxlinux-systemmailing-listpackagepackagesresourecesecuritytutorialsby 5 users Note: Ubuntu Linux for beginners. A blogging community with support forums and more. Start your own free blog and communicate with other Ubuntu interested people.