- Indulging Your Sweet Tooth
Whether you’re trying to lose weight or simply maintain a healthy eating plan, you needn’t give up sweet treats. Just watch how much you eat.
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- Juicy News for Fruit Lovers
Fruit juices provide health benefits, but drink them in moderation.
Fruit juices provide health benefits, but drink them in moderation.
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- Kit Kat Editions Tiramisu
Nestle snack - one of 448 snack bars and 747 chocolate snacks reviewed by our snackers. (Kit Kat Editions Tiramisu)
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- Olive oil boosts the cancer-fighting benefits of other foods - MSNBC.com
It’s no surprise that the Mediterranean diet is linked to good health. Small reliance on meat and scant use of butter limit the saturated fat that raises blood cholesterol and possibly promotes development of some cancers.
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- Periodic Table of Condiments
Table of Condiments That Periodically Go Bad
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- Pringles Spicy Guacamole
Procter & Gamble snack - one of 431 hot chips, 11 guacamole-flavored chips and 230 potato crisps reviewed by our snackers. (Pringles Spicy Guacamole)
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- Protein Myths Exposed - LifeScript
How Too Much Protein Can Make You Fat: Free diet tips and dieting advice from LifeScript.com.
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- Refrigerator Makeover - WedMd (Video)
Video that shows nutritious foods to have in the fridge and low-fat substitutes you can use in recipes.
What’s in your fridge? If you’re too scared to look then it’s probably time for a refrigerator makeover.
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- Rice Krispies Popcorn Crunch
Houston Harvest Gift Products LLC snack - one of 337 kinds of popcorn, 51 marshmallow snacks and 80 snacks containing cereal reviewed by our snackers. (Rice Krispies Popcorn Crunch)
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- Supermarket Savvy - WebMD (Video)
Get expert tips on navigating your supermarket’s fat-filled minefields.
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- Table of foods rich in calcium (calcium per serving) - WebMD
Bone thinning occurs as part of the natural process of aging. If the thinning continues to the point that your bones become fragile and in danger of breaking, you have osteoporosis. However, osteoporosis is considered a preventable disease. Key pointsAfter age 30, men and women naturally begin to lose bone mass. You can slow bone loss and possibly prevent osteoporosis by eating a d
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- The Antioxidant Advantage - WebMD
Antioxidants help defend our bodies from heart disease, cancer, and perhaps even the ravages of age. Learn how they work, and how to get them in your diet.
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- The Benefits of Eating Blueberries
The Benefits of Eating Blueberries : Free diet tips and dieting advice from LifeScript.com.
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- These Vitamins Make Your Skin Glow - Netscape
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- Who Knew Eating Oranges Did THIS? - Netscape
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- Why Grapefruit Affects Some Drugs
Researchers may have figured out why grapefruit and grapefruit juice interact with some types of drugs.
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