- MozillaZine: Extension development
How do develop your own Mozilla/Firefox plugins and extensions
chrome compatibility cross-version dev development does example extension extensions ideas install not project techniques urls
in Development > Firefox with extension firefox plugin tutorial by 3 users
- Multivariate Time Series Forecasting with LSTMs in Keras
Neural networks like Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks are able to almost seamlessly model problems with multiple input variables. This is a great benefit in time series forecasting, where classical linear methods can be difficult to adapt to multivariate or multiple input forecasting problems. In this tutorial, you will discover how you can develop an LSTM model for multivariate time series forecasting in the Keras deep learning library. After completing this tutorial, you will know: How to transform a raw dataset into something we can use for time series forecasting. How to prepare data and fit an LSTM for a multivariate time series forecasting problem. How to make a forecast and rescale the result back into the original units.
in Artificial Intelligence AI with forecasting lstm multivariate network neural tutorial
- Node-RED and Home Assistant cookbook
Example Node-RED flows using Home Assistant, e.g. turn on/off lights, detect motion, vacation mode etc.
in Hus & Hem > Home Automation > Home Assistant with example examples homeassistant nodered tutorial
- Node.js meets OpenCV’s Deep Neural Networks — Fun with Tensorflow and Caffe
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to load pretrained models from Tensorflow and Caffe with OpenCV’s DNN module and we will dive into two examples for object recognition with Node.js and OpenCV.
in Development > Machine Learning with caffe dnn node.js object opencv recognition tensorflow tutorial
- Notifications with dojox.socket, Servlet 3.0 Async, and EJB 3.1 TImers (Web 2.0 and Mobile Development Community)
The Web 2.0 and Mobile Feature Pack for WebSphere ships the latest version of dojo. One of the new technologies in dojo is dojox.socket. Dojo 1.6 introduces a new API for Comet-style real-time communication based on the WebSocket API. WebSocket provides a bi-directional connection to servers that is ideal for pushing messages from a server to a client in real-time. Dojo’s new dojox.socket module provides access to this API with automated fallback to HTTP-based long-polling for browsers (or servers) that do not support the new WebSocket API. This allows you start using this API with Dojo now.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with article blog comet dojo sockets tutorial web
- online javascript tutorial
This online Javascript tutorial been very well received judging by the number of emails I get. JavaScript is a vast language and it is not possible to teach everything in these 35 tutorial sessions, however, we will cover most of the basics - statements commands and functions. This Javascript tutorial was written for someone who has no programming experience.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with development javascript programming tutorial
- Raspberry Pi web server
Detecting a button press through GPIO
in Hus & Hem > Home Automation > Raspberry Pi with button detect gpio pi press raspberry tutorial
- RESTful Web services with Apache Wink, Part 1: Build an Apache Wink REST service
This article outlines the Apache Wink 1.0 framework architecture and explains the design, implementation, and deployment of a new sample Apache Wink RESTful service. This article also helps you understand the basics of the REST paradigm, going on to explain the details of the new JAX-RS 1.0 standard, which helps Java developers implement RESTful Web services using annotations.
in Development > XML with apache development howto jax-rs rest services tutorial web wink
- RxJS with Angular 101
RxJS is a library for reactive programming using Observables, to make it easier to compose asynchronous or callback-based code. Angular and Angular Material implements RxJS out of the box. Other Javascript libraries can use RxJS also but have to install it like a package. Official documentation can be found on RxJS. Since the documentation is quite complicated and as the RxJS library is very large, this article will cover the most important concepts used on daily basis.
in Development > Angular and Ionic with 101 angular documentation observables rxjs tutorial
- SAX Tutorial
A tutorial of SAX; XML Parser
in Development > XML with development parser sax tutorial xml
- Sophos UTM Tutorial: VirtualBox Deployment - rationallyPARANOID.com
This tutorial will showcase how to install and configure Sophos UTM as a virtual system on an Intel i7-4770 based VirtualBox server to be used to protect outbound internet access on a home network. A web filtering policy that blocks known-malicious sites, web ads, and scans web traffic for malware is employed.
in Computers > Nätverk with configuration firewall sophos tutorial
- Start Developing iOS Apps Today
in Development > iOS iPhone iPad with ios ipad iphone tutorial xcode
- The jQuery Mobile tutorial - Managing accordion menus
Tips and tricks on managing jQuery Mobile accordion and collapsible menus
in Development > jQuery with accordion collapsible howto jquery jquerymobile menu mobile tips tricks tutorial
- Traversing DOM Tree using JavaScript
This tutorial contains an example of traversing a DOM element. It assumes a fairly good understanding of data structures, and also a fair background in JavaScript.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with dom javascript traverse tree tutorial
- Understand memory leaks in JavaScript applications
Summary: Garbage collection can be freeing. It lets us focus on application logic rather than memory management. However, garbage collection is not magic. Understanding how it works, and how it can be tricked into maintaining memory long after it should have been released, results in faster and more reliable applications. In this article, learn about a systematic approach for locating memory leaks in JavaScript applications, several common leaking patterns, and appropriate methods to address those leaks.
in Development > JavaScript, AJAX & Dojo with javascript leaks management memory tutorial
- Using Apache Wink, Eclipse, and Maven to develop RESTful Web services
Apache Wink is an Apache incubator project that enables the creation and consumption of REST Web services. With REST Web services, the interaction between clients and services is constrained to a set of predefined operations, and the complexity of the client-server interactions is limited to the resource representations exchanged between the client and services. This approach allows you to build interoperable, scalable, and reliable REST-based distributed hypermedia systems.
in Development > XML with apache eclipse howto jax-rs rest services tutorial wink
- VideoHelp.com - Guide, How To, Tutorial and Article list
Lots of articles and howto's for how to copy, split, and otherwise process DVDs.
in Computers > Grafik & DVD with article copy dvd howto split tutorial
- Windows 7 Media Center (7MC) Codec Config Bible
How to set up Windows 7 Media Center with codec packs to get everything working. Also CoreAVC for CUDA support.
in Computers > HTPC > Windows MCE with center cuda guide h.264 htpc mce media playback tutorial video windows
- XML Tutorial
Tutorial, Introduction to XML and XML with Xerces for Java
in Development > XML with development introduction java tutorial xerces xml
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