- jQuery Mobile simultaneous transitions - bring back JQM 1.0 smooth transitions
watusi/jquery.mobile.simultaneous-transitions · GitHub
in Development > jQuery with html5 jquery jquerymobile mobile transitions
- Mike Dellanoce's Blog: 10 tips for getting that native iOS feel with PhoneGap
At Outbox we have been hard at work building our iPad application with PhoneGap. I wanted to share some of the lessons my team has learned so far. All of the following tips have been tested on iOS 5 with PhoneGap 1.8. Also note that these tips apply just as well to web applications running on mobile Safari.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps with html html5 ios native performance phonegap tips
- Mobile application development, Part 1: PhoneGap and Dojo Mobile on Android
In this series, you'll start out by creating a simple, mobile application, and end by consuming web services from your Android device. Learn how to use Eclipse and PhoneGap to create a mobile hybrid application using only HTML and JavaScript. You'll also use Mobile Dojo to give the application that native feel. In this article, learn how to combine PhoneGap and Mobile Dojo to rapidly create a hybrid mobile application for Android that looks and behaves like a typical Android application.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps with app html5 mobile phonegap tutorial web
- Mobile Sites vs. Apps: The Coming Strategy Shift (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Mobile apps currently have better usability than mobile sites, but forthcoming changes will eventually make a mobile site the superior strategy. The most important question in a company's mobile strategy is whether to do anything special for mobile in the first place. Some companies will never get substantial mobile use and should stick to making their desktop sites less insufferable on small screens. But if your site happens to have decent appeal to mobile users, then the second strategy question is: Should you produce a mobile website or develop special mobile apps? The answer to this question today is quite different from what it will likely be in the future.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with app html5 mobile sites strategy web
- Mobiscroll
Date & Time Scroller - Component Details and Description
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- Mozillas mobiloperativsystem tar form - IDG.se
Mozilla avslöjar sin utvecklingsplan för det kommmande mobiloperativsystemet Boot to Gecko, B2G. 1 / 3 B2G avslöjades i juli och beskrivs som ett mobiloperativsystem för att köra webbaserade applikationer. Det bygger delvis på Android. Operativsystemet är tänkt att lösa ett av mobilbranschens största problem – att utvecklarna måste anpassa alla sina appar specifikt till alla operativsystem. Det blir både dyrt och krångligt och skapar problem med många parallella utvecklingsprojekt.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with b2g boot gecko html5 mobile mozilla operating system to
- PhoneGap | The Story behind Exfm
Six months ago, Exfm had a native iPhone app that was rated 4 stars in the App Store. We also had a native app in Google Play, along with an HTML5 webapp for both desktop and mobile. As a small team of six, we do most of our development in-house, but had contracted out a lot of the native mobile app work. Around this time, I sat down with Lucas Hrabovsky, CTO of Exfm to plan for the future. We looked at our native mobile apps, our Python back-end and our Javascript front-end. We thought about our hiring needs in the next 12 months. We came to the conclusion that the six of us all knew Javascript really well and moving forward we were going to build everything we could in JS. That meant node.js on the back-end and PhoneGap for mobile. Here is the story of ho
in Development > PhoneGap with html5 iphone javascript performance phonegap tips
- phonegap-plugins/Android/DatePicker at master · phonegap/phonegap-plugins · GitHub
Android native Date and Time picker plugin for PhoneGap
in Development > PhoneGap with date datepicker html5 native phonegap picker plugin time timepicker
- Playboy and Aside: the wave of web apps grows - Editors Weblog
Playboy used to be a revolutionary magazine, and the publication is once again in the vanguard. Because of Apple's no-nudity policy, Playboy hasn't been able to take its content to the iPad. Now, thanks to HTML5's potential for web apps, it has been able to expand to the tablet. By launching a web app and selling it itself, Playboy can ignore the restrictions that Apple sets for App Store content. Moreover, it avoids paying Apple 30 percent of subscription revenues and is able to create a relationship with its subscribers directly, which means that it gets an automatic access to customer details.
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- Plexical
Vi utvecklar appar
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- Safari on iOS 7 and HTML5: problems, changes and new APIs | Breaking the Mobile Web
Apple has rolled out iOS 7 and in a few days the new devices iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C . As expected Apple has publish just 10% of the necessary information for web developers and I can say without fear of mistake that this is the buggiest Safari version since 1.0. In this post I’ll show you the new APIs and abilities and most of the problems that you will need to deal with right now if you have a website or a webapp.
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- Sencha touch vs Dojo Mobile vs jQuery Mobile?
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- SVT överger appar - IDG.se
Användare av SVTs app till Iphone har antagligen märkt att den inte har uppdaterats på länge. Nu berättar Johan Wahlberg, distributionsstrateg på SVT, om företagets ändrade strategi där appar helt överges. "Appar, oavsett om det är för mobiler, datorer eller tv-apparater, är ett område där SVT medvetet valt att just nu inte vara en aktiv aktör", skriver Johan Wahlberg. Orsaken är dels att appar anses dyra att utveckla och underhålla, dels att modern webbteknik uppfyller tittarnas krav. "För stora delar av vårt utbud ger en app inget direkt publikt mervärde, däremot ökar kostnaderna och driftutmaningarna."
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- Test your CSS media queries features - pieroxy.net
This tool will detect many features of your browser / device (called a user agent.) It is designed to display the exact value of the various features tested. Visit this page with as many devices as you want in order to get the values you need. This will help understand how these values work across devices and should give more insight as to which media queries you should use to have the desired result.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps with css devices dpi html5 media mediaqueries queries resolution test
- Utvecklare: Skönt att slippa Flash - IDG.se
Beskedet att Adobe ska satsa mer på html5 och mindre på Flash för mobila webbläsare hyllas av de flesta utvecklare. 1 / 2 "Det här gör det ännu mer aktuellt att uppgradera gamla Flashprogram till html5. Det gäller framför allt video", säger Christian Hedin. För många av de företag som utvecklar spel, multimedietjänster och video som ska spelas upp i telefoner och pekplattor blir livet mycket enklare om de kan satsa helhjärtat på htlm5 i stället för Adobes Flash. – Vi kommer inte att sakna Flash i mobilen. Det har känts uppenbart rätt länge att html5 förr eller senare kommer hantera alla rörliga webbmediefiler i mobilen så vi har aldrig ens övervägt Flash som teknik, säger Peter Erhard, interaktionsdesigner på Inuse i Göteborg.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with adobe apps flash html5 mobile nitobi phonegap web
- Webkit på väg mot total dominans - IDG.se
Kommer ni ihåg när webben var död och framtiden låg i proprietära insticksprogram som Flash, Java FX, Silverlight och Java applets? Den tiden är förbi. Jag besökte nyligen konferensen Senchacon där nya ramverk för vanlig och mobil webb presenterades. Mantrat löd ”Vi satsade på webben och vi fick rätt!” Webben har tillsvidare knäckt insticksprogrammen.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with chrome firefox flash html5 safari standards webkit
- What’s the future? Native apps or mobile web apps? « the meta cloud
A discussion of advantages/disadvantages of using native apps vs. mobile HTML5 web apps.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with android apps html5 hybrid iphone mobile native web
- Why Launching A Mobile App Is Pointless - Forbes
The more I read about it, the more I get convinced that the mobile app vs. web app debate will never end. What bothers me most is that this debate distracts us from the real issue: knowledge. With this ever changing mobile and tablet landscape, the priority is not to deliver, it is to understand the impact of this market shift.
in Development > Mobile Web Apps > News and statistics with html5 mobils native vs
- Windows Phone demo for HTML5
Microsoft Windows Phone UI as HTML5
in Development > Mobile Web Apps with html5 interface microsoft phone user windows
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