3-D CAPTCHA The following is a design for a CAPTCHA that is likely invulnerable to automated decryption. I originally developed this as part of an anti-spam system that was a very early progenitor of Receiver Initiated Authentication. This CAPTCHA should be particularly invaluable given the recent reports that bots now have as high as a 35% successful attack rate against both the Microsoft and Yahoo CAPTCHA. in Public bookmarkswith 3dcaptcha
Desktop Factory: 3D Printers Until now, 3D printers have been large, expensive machines confined to the shops and design departments of major corporations and elite design firms. With the introduction of the Desktop Factory 3D printer, priced disruptively lower than the nearest competitive offering, Desktop Factory becomes the leader in high performance low-cost 3D printing technologies. in Public bookmarkswith 3ddesktopfabfactoryprinterprototypingrapidby 2 users