3-D CAPTCHA The following is a design for a CAPTCHA that is likely invulnerable to automated decryption. I originally developed this as part of an anti-spam system that was a very early progenitor of Receiver Initiated Authentication. This CAPTCHA should be particularly invaluable given the recent reports that bots now have as high as a 35% successful attack rate against both the Microsoft and Yahoo CAPTCHA. in Public bookmarkswith 3dcaptcha
Human Computation - Luis von Ahn Google TechTalks July 26, 2006 ABSTRACT Tasks like image recognition are trivial for humans, but continue to challenge even the most sophisticated computer programs. This talk introduces a paradigm for utilizing human processing power to solve problems that computers cannot yet solve. Traditional approaches to solving such problems focus on improving software. I advocate a novel approach: constructively channel human brainpower using computer games. in Public bookmarkswith ahncaptchacomputationespgamesgooglehumanimagelabelerluispresentationpurposerecaptchausefulvonahn