- A List Apart: CSS Design: Taming Lists
CSS Design: taming (X)HTML lists, creating great-looking navigational menus and other visual effects.
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- A List Apart: Practical CSS Layout Tips, Tricks and Techniques
Advanced techniques of CSS website design.
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- CSS hiding hacks [dive into mark]
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- Optimizing CSS presentation in HTML emails - Campaign Monitor Blog
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- Mark Howells Online, Switzerland - Photography and Multimedia
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- (Mark Lombardi) arts / w b u r g
w b u r g, the williamsburg arts review, is a quarterly online magazine about the arts in williamsburg and the community that supports them. wburg includes arts, context, and listings about williamsburg, brooklyn.
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- 3pointD.com
The 3D Web, as blogged by Mark Wallace and friends
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in Public bookmarks with 3d 3pointd blog mark metaverse secondlife wallace by 3 users
- A List Apart: Articles: CSS and Email, Kissing in a Tree
Learn how to use CSS and valid HTML to style emails that work with a range of email clients.
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in Public bookmarks with alistapart css email html mark wyner by 3 users
- Accessibility statement - Dive Into Accessibility
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- Accessible calendars
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- Automatically inserting images before offsite links
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- Caching Tutorial for Web Authors and Webmasters
Covers the how's and why's of Web caching for people who publish on the Web. With FAQs.
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in Public bookmarks with cache cacheing caching expires mark meta nottingham tags tutorial by 9 users
- Club vs. Lojack solutions - preventing comment spam
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- CSS Hacks: *7 Hack [dive into mark]
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- diveintomark/Addiction is...
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- diveintomark/Now extremely available
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- euroGel 2006 conference
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- Good Experience Games - good games, fun games
in Public bookmarks with experience fun games good goodexperience hurst mark online by 13 users
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