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  • Martin van Creveld: The Blemish of Conquest
    In 1966, Israel’s leading newspaper, Maariv, invited the legendary military commander Moshe Dayan to be its war correspondent in Vietnam. Dayan, then 51 years old, jumped at the chance. He had been working in politics since 1959, eventually serving as minister of agriculture under Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, but he had left his post in 1964 when Ben-Gurion fell out with the new prime minister, Levi Eshkol. He had been casting about for a new project.
    An article by AUTHOR from BostonReview, ISSUE
    american creveld dayan goals iraq martin moshe van vietnam
    with book geostrategy history military w4
  • Matthew White's Homepage
    Surreal History, including ... Balkanized North America: What would America have looked like if every separatist movement in U.S. and Canadian history had succeeded? CSA Today Who won the Civil War anyway? Middle Earth: The map for J.R.R. Tolkein's lost sequel to Lord of the Rings. Moslem Australia: What if Australia had been contacted by Asians 150 years before the Europeans arrived in the Indian Ocean? Perotista Revolution! What would an American Civil War of the 1990s have looked like? Odds and Ends: Self-Help Manual: Smart-Ass Instructions for Life How to Overcome Procrastination Translations From the Italian: Fun with Babelfish. White-o-glyphics: Symbol language Wikiwatch: When amateur doesn't even begin to describe it
    with geostrategy graph history map script
  • Meanings and origins of sayings and phrases
    List of sayings | English sayings | Idiom definitions | Idiom examples | Idiom origins | List of idioms | Idiom dictionary | Meaning of idioms
    An archive of the meanings and origins of thousands of phrases, sayings and idioms.
    and definitions dictionary examples idiom idioms list meaning meanings origins phrase phrases sayings
    with linglang script by 13 users
  • Merda d'artista Art Minimal & Conceptual Only
    In 1961 an artist by the name af Piero Manzoni crapped in 90 small cans. They were subsequently sealed, according to industri standards. These small pieces of art circulated for many years to different museums around the world, and one of them reached Randers Museum of Art in Denmark in 1994 as part of the John Hunov collection. Unfortunately, the can decided to selfdestruct right there! Experts have tried several times to repair the corroding can, but have not managed to stop the decomposition process. X-ray has revealed what seems to be an even smaller can inside the can. But what seems the most hillarious part of it all, is the fact that Randers Museum is now confronted with lawyers, claiming the can must have been exposed to direct sunlight.
    with art fun
  • MetaFilter - Flash meditations
    Agents - one of many Flash experiments and projects by Sébastien Chevrel.
    with computer evo evolution flash science
  • Meteosat
    with astronautics travel utils
  • Microsoft developer Dave Stutz parting advice to Microsoft - Microsoft and the Commoditization of Software -
    ...Exciting new networked applications are being written. Time is not standing still. Microsoft must survive and prosper by learning from the open source software movement and by borrowing from and improving its techniques. Open source software is as large and powerful a wave as the Internet was, and is rapidly accreting into a legitimate alternative to Windows. It can and should be harnessed. To avoid dire consequences, Microsoft should favor an approach that tolerates and embraces the diversity of the open source approach, especially when network-based integration is involved. There are many clever and motivated people out there, who have many different reasons to avoid buying directly into a Microsoft proprietary stack. Microsoft must employ diplomacy to
    An essay on the impact of commodity software on Microsoft
    microsoft open software source
    with biz computer design net w2
  • Mind the Gap in Japanese, Cantonese, and Mandarin
    An omnipresent aspect of Japanese life is the proliferation of signs and announcements for the convenience or instruction of the general public, delivered in a rigidly defined form of polite language. 'Mind the Gap' is no exception. When a Japanese announcement to 'Mind the Gap' comes over the PA system, it goes like this: 電車とホームとの間が広く空いておりますので、足元にご注意ください。 Densha to hōmu to no aida ga hiroku aite orimasu no de, ashimoto ni go-chūi kudasai. 'As there is a wide space between the train and the platform, please watch your step'
    'Mind the Gap' in Japanese and Cantonese
    cantonese gap japanese mind
    with fun japan linglang
    Note: chinese, vietnamese, eastern writing systems
  • Mischievous Ramblings » It’s Not Just Abusive. It’s Stupid
    EA Games' bad slave bad <<management>>
    with biz computer design gaming
  • MIT News Office: Goodbye wires…
    MIT team experimentally demonstrates wireless power transfer, potentially useful for powering laptops, cell phones without cords Imagine a future in which wireless power transfer is feasible: cell phones, household robots, mp3 players, laptop computers and other portable electronics capable of charging themselves without ever being plugged in, freeing us from that final, ubiquitous power wire. Some of these devices might not even need their bulky batteries to operate.
    MIT team experimentally demonstrates wireless power transfer, potentially useful for powering laptops, cell phones without cords
    and electrical electronics engineering institute massachusetts mit nanoscience nanotechnology news office physics technology
    with economylogy science
  • Movies and Mental Illness Filmography
    Psychology, Psychiatry and the Movies Susan Nicosia, Associate Professor Social Sciences and Humanities Division Daniel Webster College 20 University Drive Nashua, NH 03063 Link to: Psychology, Psychiatry and the Movies Bibliography
    with psy videofilm
  • musiclens
    MusicLens enables users to find pieces of music using very vaguely described criteria, such as loudness (perceived volume), mood or purpose. The search or recommendations query can be enhanced or limited by adjusting the ten control sliders
    with audio evo evolution net w2 by 2 users
  • The Music Video DataBase
    As both a music and movie fan, it only was natural for me to develop a passion for music videos. Through the years, I have gathered a huge database covering over 33000 music videos (as of May 15, 2004). As an aspiring director and writer, I tend to look beyond their promotional aspect to find and appreciate their creative qualities. This "young" medium (it only really picked up in the early 80's) is still in its growing stage, gaining more power, momentum and respect with each passing day. When I started in 1998 (at the time called VideoZone), there were only very few music video resources on the Web. This has changed drastically now, although some data can still be difficult to find. One of my goals with this site was (and still is) to help the
    The ultimate reference for music videos, including a large database with director credits, videographies, links, new releases and more...
    database director directors home homepage music page promotional rock video videographies videography videos videozone
    with audio net videofilm
  • Na Healaíonaí an Chogaidh Éireannach
    Modern Shillelagh Training (Cleachtadh Sail-Éílle Nua-aimseartha) I get many questions from readers about the state of modern Irish stick-fighting. People who are new to the whole concept often want to know more about modern practitioners. Many people write looking for ways to learn shillelagh fighting today, and it can be a bit confusing to figure out what this is all about. Given the many frauds found in Asian martial arts some write asking if this is even legitimate or for real. Those interested in training in Irish stick-fighting today have several options open to them depending on what it is they are trying to achieve, and their philosophies about reaching these goals<<ireland>>
    with history ireland military
  • New Scientist Environment: Giant microwave turns plastic back to oil
    A US company is taking plastics recycling to another level – turning them back into the oil they were made from, and gas. All that is needed, claims Global Resource Corporation (GRC), is a finely tuned microwave and – hey presto! – a mix of materials that were made from oil can be reduced back to oil and combustible gas (and a few leftovers).
    A US company is taking plastics recycling to another level - zapping them with a variety of frequencies to break down the hydrocarbon chains
    autofluff cars gas oil plastic recycling
    with economylogy evo evolution science
  • Newseum
    Today's Front Pages | Gallery View of daily front pages of 555 papers in 55 countries
    with geostrategy media net
  • | Convert Binary
    The binary number system (aka base 2) represents values using two symbols, typically 0 and 1. Computers call these bits. A bit is either off (0) or on (1). When arranged in sets of 8 bits (1 byte) 256 values can be represented (0-255).
    with computer cryptography by 13 users
  • Nymphs -
    So the most obvious metaphor is the Fairy metaphor. Nymphs are like fairies in that they were unpredictable, a little scary, and often showed up in folktales. But, seeing as they are from a different culture, they are also entirely different. For one thing, the nymphs are all women. This is definitely significant in the way they were scary. One of the things you might (and should) notice is the common theme of women's sexuality = scary and women's chastity = good. Noticing that, it should not shock you that these somewhat scary spirits are at their scariest to mortal men when sex enters the picture (Hylas is a lovely example). It should also be noted without surprise that these nymphs are spirits often personifying nature. (See below for the groups of nymph
    with art history philosophy
  • Obsidian Studios: Writing Sample Analyzer
    This writing sample analyzer takes a sample of your writing and then calculates the number of sentences, words, and characters in your sample. As it's calculating these statistics it makes estimates as to how many syllables are present in each word. Using these numbers, it then calculates the Flesch Reading Ease, Fog Scale Level, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, which are three of the most common readability algorithms. Simply supply a sample of your writing up to 5,000 characters and then click "Analyze."
    The writing sample analyzer calculates the Flesch Reading Ease, Fog Scale Level, and Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level, three of the most common readability algorithms.
    advice builder building creative generator idea links name page resources tips tools tutorials webdesign writers writing
    with fun script
  • oddcast text-to-speech
    with computer flash fun linglang by 7 users

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