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  • The New Yorker:The Interpreter Has a remote Amazonian tribe upended our understanding of language? by John Colapinto Apr 16 07
    The Pirahã, Everett wrote, have no numbers, no fixed color terms, no perfect tense, no deep memory, no tradition of art or drawing, and no words for “all,” “each,” “every,” “most,” or “few”—terms of quantification believed by some linguists to be among the common building blocks of human cognition. Everett’s most explosive claim, however, was that Pirahã displays no evidence of recursion, a linguistic operation that consists of inserting one phrase inside another of the same type, as when a speaker combines discrete thoughts (“the man is walking down the street,” “the man is wearing a top hat”) into a single sentence (“The man who is wearing a top hat is walking down the street”). Noam Chomsky,
    with americas evo linglang science system:unfiled
  • The Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library
    The Norman B. Leventhal Map Center at the Boston Public Library is a public private partnership launched in 2004 to preserve and provide free public access to the Boston Public Library's historically significant collection of 200,000 maps and 5,000 atlases. Our goal is to maximize the educational potential of these antique and contemporary maps of the World, United States, and New England. This website will enable visitors to explore, in-depth, the Map Center's cartographic treasures and related educational programs.
    with art geostrategy history map
  • The once and future e-book on reading in the digital age - Ars Technica By John Siracusa |
    A veteran of a former turning of the e-book wheel looks at the past, present, and future of reading books on things that are not books. I was pitched headfirst into the world of e-books in 2002 when I took a job with Palm Digital Media. The company, originally called Peanut Press, was founded in 1998 with a simple plan: publish books in electronic form. As it turns out, that simple plan leads directly into a technological, economic, and political hornet's nest. But thanks to some good initial decisions (more on those later), little Peanut Press did pretty well for itself in those first few years, eventually having a legitimate claim to its self-declared title of "the world's largest e-book store."
    with biz ebook economylogy media p2p
  • The Six-Stroke Engine
    extra water injection and exhaust cycles
    with design economylogy science
  • The Strategic Studies Institute: Fourth-Generation War and Other Myths
    In brief, the theory holds that warfare has evolved through four generations: 1) the use of massed manpower, 2) firepower, 3) maneuver, and now 4) an evolved form of insurgency that employs all available networks—political, economic, social, military—to convince an opponent's decision makers that their strategic goals are either unachievable or too costly. Further, the theory contends that this last form characterizes the terrorists' way of fighting today. Despite reinventing itself several times, the theory has several fundamental flaws that need to be exposed before it influences U.S. operational and strategic thinking
    with geostrategy military system:unfiled w4
  • The Ten Coolest Numbers
    <<mathematics>> This is an attempt to give a count-down of the top ten coolest numbers. Let's first concede that this is a highly subjective ordering -- one person's 14.38 is another's $ \frac{\pi^2}{6}$ . The astute (or probably simply ``awake'') reader will notice, for example, a definite bias toward numbers interesting to a number theorist in the below list. (On the other hand, who better to gauge the coolness of numbers than a number-theorist...) But who knows? Maybe I can be convinced that I've left something out, or that my ordering should be switched in some cases. But let's first set down some ground rules. What's in the list? What makes a number cool? I think a word that sums up the key characteristic of cool numbers is ``canonicality.''
    The Ten Coolest Numbers
    with computer fun philosophy science
  • the Tree of Life Web Project: Movies of Jumping Spider Courtship
    Jumping spiders have excellent vision, and their intraspecific communication therefore has a heavy visual component. Males dance before females, displaying contrasting or brightly colored ornaments. Presumably this courtship dance is a basis by which females choose mates. One of the most diverse and elaborately-ornamented genera of jumping spiders is the genus Habronattus, occurring primarily in North America. If you want to find our more information about the genus Habronattus, go to its branch page in the Tree of Life. Here are some Quicktime movies of courtship dances of various species. The small squares in the grid on which the spiders are standing are 1 millimeter square. Touch on the picture of the spider to see the movie. If you want to see more pic
    with economylogy evo evolution fun videofilm
  • The Ultimate Game Quiz

    So you think you're a Gamer ? Do the ultimate game quiz to find out !
    console flash game gamer highscore knowledge kwis online quiz score skill ultimate
    with flash fun gaming
  • The Vela Incident: Nuclear Test or Meteorite?
    Documents Show Significant Disagreement with Presidential Panel Concerning Cause of Sep. 22, 1979 Vela "Double-Flash" Detection [among the usual suspects: Israel, S. Africa, Dr. No, some rock in space, a mini-black hole, the Gamma and Xray Burst brothers and a gang of exotic mysterious particles]
    with astronautics history military science
    Note: National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 190 Posted - May 5, 2006
  • Ties to GOP Trumped Know-How Among Staff Sent to Rebuild Iraq By Rajiv Chandrasekaran
    Adapted from "Imperial Life in the Emerald City," by Rajiv Chandrasekaran After the fall of Saddam Hussein's government in April 2003, the opportunity to participate in the U.S.-led effort to reconstruct Iraq attracted all manner of Americans - restless professionals, Arabic-speaking academics, development specialists and war-zone adventurers. But before they could go to Baghdad, they had to [...] To pass muster with O'Beirne, a political [...] What seemed most important was loyalty to the Bush administration. [...] Two people who sought jobs with the U.S. occupation authority said they were even asked their views on Roe v. Wade .
    Washington Post coverage of the American occupation of Iraq, the country's path to democracy and tensions between Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds.
    america baghdad basra britain coalition insurgency iraq k militant occupation oil shiite states sunni terrorist triangle united
    with geostrategy mecf mesopotamia usa
  • Top Independent Films Fall 2006

    A complete list of the top 2006 independent films
    2006 fall films independent
    with utils videofilm
  • Honda brings small-jet dynamo to market Updated 9/26/2006
    GREENSBORO, N.C. — Honda (HMC), the Japanese giant that has given the USA motorcycles, cars, lawn mowers and weed whackers, puts its newest product on sale starting next month: a little $3 million business jet.
    with astronautics design economylogy travel
  • Vegas then and now
    photo slides
    with art gaming graph travel
  • viaduct de millau
    bad ass looking bridge <architecture>
    with design
  • VINTAGEKARTAN.SE » Sveriges nya vintagebutik-sajt [+ restauranger # hotell # annonser # jobb # caféer # pizza # sushi # är en ny sajt där du kan recensera secondhandbutiker och vintageaffärer i hela Sverige. Du kan göra sajten bättre genom att recensera de ställen du själv besökt. Dina recensioner kommer även att synas på - din alldeles egna, personliga karta.
    with art design food map scandinavia system:unfiled travel
  • Visual Acoustics
    Brushes are painted across the screen, each consisting of an instrument and accompanying visual. The position of the mouse on screen determines which instrumental note the brush paints onto the screen. Each brush is variable, giving the ability to control the volume and rate at which the brush paints onto the screen.
    with art audio graph net
  • WaPo: Rough Week, But America's Era Goes On By Niall Ferguson Sunday, September 21, 2008; B01
    Does Wall Street's meltdown presage the end of the American century? Many commentators have warned that the past week's financial mayhem signaled a major political setback for the United States as well as an economic one. "Why should the rest of the world ever again take seriously the American free-market model after this debacle?" a leading British journalist asked me last Thursday. This crisis, he argued, was to economics what the Iraq war was to U.S. foreign policy: a fatal blow to the credibility of American claims to global primacy.
    with biz economylogy geostrategy history usa
    with economylogy evo evolution science
  • Welcome To Lbt's Digital Photography Website!
    Larry Bustercrab Taylor photography gallery only offers here brief bio info. His photographic work can be viewed at his site by clicking links on this page. In brief, his photographic subjects range from cityscapes of stockholm, london, malta & more; human portraits and animal portraits, landscapes, sunsets, lakes, flowers, fruit & vegetable stalls at markets; birds, mostly photo-like art - to free desktop wallpaper, free e-cards. three of his albums - cars & flowers - are received a day feature (4th dec 2002,10th feb 2003,& july 2006) at - something for car & flower lovers! visit lbt photography!
    with art graph
  • Welcome to MusicBrainz!
    MusicBrainz is a community music metadatabase that attempts to create a comprehensive music information site. You can use the MusicBrainz data either by browsing this web site, or you can access the data from a client program — for example, a CD player program can use MusicBrainz to identify CDs and provide information about the CD, about the artist or about related information. You can also use the MusicBrainz Tagger to automatically identify and clean up the metadata tags in your digital music collections. Find out more in the introduction.
    with audio computer evo evolution net p2p w2 by 20 users

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