- Covers is a blog dedicated to the appreciation of brilliant book cover design.
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- Cryptome
[wikipedia:] Cryptome is a website hosted in the United States since 1996 by independent scholars[1] and architects John Young and Deborah Natsios[2] that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance. According to the site: Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance—open, secret and classified documents—but not limited to those.[3] Cryptome hosted documents, consisting of over 54,000 files,[4] include suppressed photographs of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, lists of people believed to be MI6 agents
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- D-N-I review: Science, Strategy & War
Boyd’s answer, the Discourse, is a set of roughly 300 charts, and Osinga has set himself the task of guiding his readers through them. It is a formidable assignment. Boyd, you see, did not intend the briefings of the Discourse to be read on their own. For years, he would not give out copies until after the presentation, and it had to be the “whole brief or no brief.” It may seem obvious, but it was in briefing format not so much in tribute to Sun Tzu – although The Art of War is, like the Discourse, a set of bullet points – but simply because he didn’t feel that there were enough readers inside the Beltway to make it worthwhile.
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- D-N-I: FMFM 1‑A Draft Manual on 4GW War
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- Dark Roasted : American Supersonic Airliners: Race for a Dream
It all started in 1952 with small-scale studies of SST designs by Boeing, but things heated up significantly when in 1962 the governments of Britain and France decided to join efforts in the creation of a supersonic "Concorde" airplane. The intrepid Russians also came up with the Tu-144 (no less capable, but plagued by accidents). The American government nearly panicked and responded with its own program SCAT (Supersonic Commercial Air Transport) in 1963, which got endorsement from President Kennedy himself. The race for dominating supersonic airways was on. (At that time it was believed that all future commercial aircraft would be supersonic). The goal was to produce a commercial aircraft capable of carrying 250 passengers (twice as many as the Concorde) a
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- Demo video for Spore, from the creator of The Sims/Sim City VideoSift
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- Developing Expertise Notes
Developing Expertise Notes Contents Role of Deliberate Practice The Acquisition of Expert Performance The Acquisition of Medical Expertise Reasoning and Instruction in Medical Curricula Changing the Agency for Learning Field Study in SW Design Brooks on Great Designers Conceptualizations of Practice
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- Drawings by Jacques Callot
1633 Miseries of War
A selection of drawings executed by the French engraver Jacques Callot
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- E-motional Design: Nazi Mech Attack in Pearl Harbour!!
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- EagerEyes
Visualization and Visual Communication
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Note: ManyEyes
- Eric S. Raymond: How To Ask Questions The Smart Way
In the world of hackers, the kind of answers you get to your technical questions depends as much on the way you ask the questions as on the difficulty of developing the answer. This guide will teach you how to ask questions in a way more likely to get you a satisfactory answer. Now that use of open source has become widespread, you can often get as good answers from other, more experienced users as from hackers. This is a Good Thing; users tend to be just a little bit more tolerant of the kind of failures newbies often have. Still, treating experienced users like hackers in the ways we recommend here will generally be the most effective way to get useful answers out of them, too. The first thing to understand is that hackers actually like hard problems and
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- Feynman's Talk: There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom An Invitation to Enter a New Field of Physics
This transcript of the classic talk that Richard Feynman gave on December 29th 1959 at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) was first published in the February 1960 issue of Caltech's Engineering and Science, which owns the copyright. It has been made available on the web at http://www.zyvex.com/nanotech/feynman.html with their kind permission. Information on the Feynman Prizes Links to pages on Feynman For an account of the talk and how people reacted to it, see chapter 4 of Nano! by Ed Regis, Little/Brown 1995. An excellent technical introduction to nanotechnology is Nanosystems: molecular machinery, manufacturing, and computation by K. Eric Drexler, Wiley 1992. I imagine expe
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FON is the largest WiFi community in the world. Our members share their wireless Internet access at home and, in return, enjoy free WiFi wherever they find another Fonero’s Access Point. It all started as a simple idea. Why should you pay for Internet access on the go when you have already paid for it at home? Exactly, you shouldn’t. So we decided to help create a community of people who get more out of their connection through sharing. As the world of WiFi is growing, you can do more and more for free. For example soon we will launch the Skype FON - a cool WiFi handset that lets you make free Internet calls from any FON Access Point.
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- Foreign Policy: The State at Work photo essay
Running a poor country has never been a tougher job. Civil servants are asked to do the people’s work with very little, sometimes with nothing at all. They see to it that the job gets done—or grinds to a halt. Meet the bureaucrats. <photography>
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- FreeComputerBooks.com Free Computer Books, Tutorials & Lecture Notes
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A huge collection of Free Computer, Programming, Mathematics, Technical Books, Lecture Notes and Tutorials. Very well categorized. Equipped with a pattern search engine.
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- Fringe Browser
Welcome to the Fringe. This is an area of free information, things that some may find interesting, amusing, and/or dangerous.
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Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view.
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- Getting Back To Work: A Personal Productivity Toolkit || kuro5hin.org
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