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These are the public entries for this link:
- Cryptome
By abb in Folders > News with system:unfiled
- Cryptome
By erp in Database with database news
- Cryptome
[wikipedia:] Cryptome is a website hosted in the United States since 1996 by independent scholars[1] and architects John Young and Deborah Natsios[2] that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance. According to the site: Cryptome welcomes documents for publication that are prohibited by governments worldwide, in particular material on freedom of expression, privacy, cryptology, dual-use technologies, national security, intelligence, and secret governance—open, secret and classified documents—but not limited to those.[3] Cryptome hosted documents, consisting of over 54,000 files,[4] include suppressed photographs of U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, lists of people believed to be MI6 agents
By emmineb in Public bookmarks with americas astronautics cpu cryptography geostrategy history military net science tutorial utils
- Cryptome
By taxpayer in surveillance with system:unfiled
- Cryptome
By esotericx10 in Police State with cryptome
- Cryptome
By sylwanius in Ressursar > Nyheter with system:unfiled
- Cryptome
By Rhineus in Public bookmarks with archive blog computer conspiracy crypto culture database economics government intelligence news photos politics privacy programming reading reference science security software
- Cryptome
By trio in Public bookmarks with daily journalism jxurnalismo news novajxoj secret security sekreto sekureco tage
- Cryptome
By newkiraj in Public bookmarks with cryptome
- Cryptome
By morwyn in Public bookmarks with govt imported news politics privacy security
- Cryptome
By emugot in Personals with cryptome personals
- Cryptome.
Un site d'information sur les bad guys du gouvernement américain.
By HonorH in A... > a Lire > News with a.lire a.méditer news resistance
- Cryptome the information base.url
By ekz in fun > leftwing with base.url cryptome information
- Cryptome
By mthomure in Public bookmarks with politics
- Cryptome
By mkepler in News with cryptome news
- Cryptome
By conradina in Public bookmarks with cryptome
NB: The average rating is calculated using the rating for both public and private entries for this link.