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  • Simple Tools for Software Modeling OR- It's "Use the Simplest Tool" not "Use Simple Tools"
    One of the most commonly asked questions asked by developers is “What tool(s) should we use?” Although there are as many answers to this question as people asking it, I would like to provide a few words of advice to help guide you: “Use the simplest tools possible.” Why simple tools? Simple tools are easy to learn, easy to use, and very often easy to share with others. Yes, complex tools have their place, assuming they provide the best value for your investment in them, but never underestimate the effectiveness of simple tools either.<<management>>
    agile bpr business data developm engineering extreme language methodology modeling ooa process programming software uml unified
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  • Quotes about Computer Languages

    Developer4Lease deliver reliable CMS Design and Development of the highest quality to our customers around the world
    cms content design development management system wordpress
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  • ten tips for keeping your desk clean and tidy
    A messy desk is a sign of creativity and imagination. This is the excuse I gave myself for the mountain of papers, knickknacks, and San Pellegrino bottles normally piled on my desk at work. Truth is, I’m just lazy. When I started wasting more and more time looking for lost items instead of being a brilliant creative person, I knew I had to do something. I got my desk organized, and have been miraculously keeping it clean for the past three months. Here’s how: 1. Use a system to manage paper Most of the clutter on my desk is paper. In a recent post, I wrote about a system for organizing files on the computer. The same system can be modified to work with physical files:
    Tips for design and life
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  • The Chess Master and the Computer By Garry Kasparov The New York Review of Books Volume 57, Number 2 · February 11, 2010
    In 1985, in Hamburg, I played against thirty-two different chess computers at the same time in what is known as a simultaneous exhibition. I walked from one machine to the next, making my moves over a period of more than five hours. The four leading chess computer manufacturers had sent their top models, including eight named after me from the electronics firm Saitek. It illustrates the state of computer chess at the time that it didn't come as much of a surprise when I achieved a perfect 32–0 score, winning every game, although there was an uncomfortable moment.
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  • The TeX showcase
    This is the TeX showcase, edited by Gerben Wierda. It contains examples of what you can do with TeX, the typesetting engine from Donald Knuth, world famous mathematician, computer scientist and above all well known for TeX. I will try to keep this showcase small. For remarks on submissions, see at the end of this document. In this showcase, you will not only find examples of material prepared with TeX proper, but also with macro packages like LaTeX, ConTeXt and with related programs like METAPOST. And though TeX is a typesetting language, you will find graphics and even an MPEG movie.
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  • TrueCrypt: Free Open-Source On-The-Fly Disk Encryption Software for Windows Vista/XP/2000 and Linux
    Main Features: * Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. * Encrypts an entire hard disk partition or a storage device such as USB flash drive. * Encryption is automatic, real-time (on-the-fly) and transparent. * Provides two levels of plausible deniability, in case an adversary forces you to reveal the password: 1) Hidden volume (steganography – more information may be found here). 2) No TrueCrypt volume can be identified (volumes cannot be distinguished from random data). * Encryption algorithms: AES-256, Serpent, and Twofish. Mode of operation: LRW. Further information regarding features of the software may be found in the documentation.
    TrueCrypt is free open-source disk encryption software for Windows and Linux. Categories: data encryption, security software, privacy.
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  • Wired 14.12: Me Translate Pretty One Day
    Spanish to English? French to Russian? Computers haven't been up to the task. But a New York firm with an ingenious algorithm and a really big dictionary is finally cracking the code. With Carbonell on board, the new company set about building its Spanish system. Soon, however, Abir's peripatetic invention habits created conflicts. Klein, Carbonell, and the developers feared the company was losing focus. "Eli is a mad genius," Carbonell says. "Both of those words apply. Some of his ideas are totally bogus. And some of his ideas are brilliant. Eli himself can't always tell the two apart." Abir, determined to build a larger AI "brain" that would tackle not just MT but other problems, took little interest in the day-to-day engineering. Eventually he left the
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  • YouTube: Marble adding machine in wood
    Matthias Wandel's astounding wooding calculatory enigma. A woodworker turns his talents to binary mathematics via a cunning series of cats-eyes, clinkers and rounders. Plus many other marbled wonders: <<mathematics>>
    My marble adding machine in action. More at
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  • American Scientist Online; The Semicolon Wars
    If you want to be a thorough-going world traveler, you need to learn 6,912 ways to say "Where is the toilet, please?" That's the number of languages known to be spoken by the peoples of planet Earth, according to If you want to be the complete polyglot programmer, you also have quite a challenge ahead of you, learning all the ways to say: printf("hello, world\n") ;
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  • Feature Design Your Own Desktop with KDE 4
    One of the best things about KDE 4, the newest release of the mainstream Linux desktop manager, is something it doesn't do—force you to adapt to its way of running a computer desktop. Sure, the desktop environment boasts new 3-D effects, a polished theme, and improved functionality. But what KDE 4 does best is give users the ability to almost completely re-design their desktops, putting their programs, icons, and useful widgets wherever they see fit, on as many desktops as they want, to create their ideal workspace. I spent some time exploring the features of the less-than-week-old system, the results of which are after the jump.
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  • From Tesla Motors to the “Patriot Hack” Martin Eberhard on Protecting Your Privacy Online
    Nursing the best dark brew I’ve ever had, I moved from a great article on free global phone calls to another on the language of gang signs, ultimately landing on a column signed not with an anonymous pseudonym but by Martin Eberhard, co-founder of Tesla Motors. It was so interesting, in fact, that I reached out to Martin after my bear-rich Pacific Northwest roadtrip and asked for permission to reprint his article here. He graciously agreed. This article is broken up into four sections, which I titled: The Patriot Hack - From China’s Firewall to Lockpicking (15%) The Political and Technical Landscape (60%) Strategies to Protect Your Privacy (10%) The “Haystack” Call to Action (15%)
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  • How To Look Like A UNIX Guru Terence Parr
    Terence Parr Last updated: August 30, 2006 UNIX is an extremely popular platform for deploying server software partly because of its security and stability, but also because it has a rich set of command line and scripting tools. Programmers use these tools for manipulating the file system, processing log files, and generally automating as much as possible. If you want to be a serious server developer, you will need to have a certain facility with a number of UNIX tools; about 15. You will start to see similarities among them, particularly regular expressions, and soon you will feel very comfortable. Combining the simple commands, you can build very powerful tools very quickly--much faster than you could build the equivalent functionality in C or Java, for e
    in Public bookmarks with computer net system:unfiled tutorial utils
  • In Defense of Piracy - by LAWRENCE LESSIG professor of law at Stanford Law School, and co-founder
    In early February 2007, Stephanie Lenz's 13-month-old son started dancing. Pushing a walker across her kitchen floor, Holden Lenz started moving to the distinctive beat of a song by Prince, "Let's Go Crazy." He had heard the song before. The beat had obviously stuck. So when Holden heard the song again, he did what any sensible 13-month-old would do -- he accepted Prince's invitation and went "crazy" to the beat. Holden's mom grabbed her camcorder and, for 29 seconds, captured the priceless image of Holden dancing, with the barely discernible Prince playing on a CD player somewhere in the background.
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  • In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits | By Chris Anderson | Wired Magazine
    Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired, has a very good article in his magazine on the desktop manufacturing revolution. It's definitely worth the read and is complimentary with thinking being done on this blog re: resilient communities. Thus the new industrial organizational model. It’s built around small pieces, loosely joined. Companies are small, virtual, and informal. Most participants are not employees. They form and re-form on the fly, driven by ability and need rather than affiliation and obligation. It doesn’t matter who the best people work for; if the project is interesting enough, the best people will find it.
    in Public bookmarks with biz computer design economylogy net w4
    Note: chinese industrial piracy mountain fastness
  • » Google as Artificial Intelligence
    The way things are going, I think Google will be the first AI. That is, I think Google will become conscious. As a note, if I can have a conversation with something, I’ll consider it conscious. That’s the Turing Test for intelligence. Right now Google fails miserably. For example, I entered the terms Jesus will return and got: jesus will return to Kings Associated Press July End did did Nature build the worlds largest Sex personals site! I suppose nature can’t explain everything. I got an earlier response which was more relevant - it asked if Nature build the body and emotion, and said the brain was the most important invention … then it went on to mention the Quran and The Prophet by K
    in Public bookmarks with computer design evo evolution net w2 w4
  • Information about machine translation, controlled language, translation standards.

    You will find information about machine translation and translation software. In addition, you will find information about books about machine translation, controlled languages and translation standards.
    contract controlled language muegge software standards translation uwe
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  • Internet Filtering in China in 2004-2005: A Country Study
    Paper on Links to other studies on Internet Filtering in Bahrain,Burma, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates * ONI Country Studies See also the Economist article "The party, the people and the power of cyber-talk"
    in Public bookmarks with china computer geostrategy net
  • Is Design Dead?
    For many that come briefly into contact with Extreme Programming, it seems that XP calls for the death of software design. Not just is much design activity ridiculed as "Big Up Front Design", but such design techniques as the UML, flexible frameworks, and even patterns are de-emphasized or downright ignored. In fact XP involves a lot of design, but does it in a different way than established software processes. XP has rejuvenated the notion of evolutionary design with practices that allow evolution to become a viable design strategy. It also provides new challenges and skills as designers need to learn how to do a simple design, how to use refactoring to keep a design clean, and how to use patterns in an evolutionary style.
    in Public bookmarks with computer design evo evolution by 2 users
  • Java Morse Code Translator
    The Java Morse code translator translates to and from Morse code and can play the Morse to you as sound. It runs on your computer and therefore is very quick. You have full control over the speed, pitch and volume of the sounds. CGI Morse Code Translator
    Morse code translator written in Java. The translator can translate to and from Morse code and can play the sound of the Morse code to you. The speed, pitch and volume of the sound are all fully adjustable.
    code farnsworth fast free java javascript morse pitch sound speed translator volume
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