Drug Law Blog DeLuca on the Pain Doctor Crackdown; Alex Coolman; Drug War Blog; 2007-06-02.<br /><br /> Excerpt:<br /><br /> "This week Alex DeLuca had an interesting post on the nationwide criminal crackdown on pain doctors and in particular on the effects that this crackdown is having on patients who were previously under the care of these doctors. The bizarre thing, DeLuca notes, is that people who were once steady on pain management medication are instantly being reclassified as "addicts," with no distinction being made between dependence and addiction."<br /><br /> The post by me referred to is:<br /><br /> Utah and Federal Law Enforcement Collaborate Towards a Final Solution to the Prescription Drug Abuse Plague; Alex DeLuca; War on Doctors / Pain Crisis; 2007-05-3 in War on Doctors / Pain Crisiswith controlled-substancescrackdowndrug-policydrug-wardrugslawlaw-enforcementpainpain-managementwar-on-doctors
Mangino to Represent Self in Nov. 28 Hearing Several days ago Dr. William Mangino whose case the <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.painreliefnetwork.org/">Pain Relief Network</a> has been involved with, and that the <a rel="nofollow" href="http://doctordeluca.com/wordpress/">War on Docs/Pain Crisis</a> blog has followed in depth (see links below), sent me three documents, some fifteen pages in all, handwritten in block text, which I will call Mangino Petitioner's Motion including: 1. a two page letter to Judge Motto, 2. a six page Brief in Support of Petitioner's Motion, and, 3. a nine page Supplement to the Brief in Support All three handwritten documents available, as a <a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.jamesstacks.com/Mangino_1107.pdf"><b>single PDF</b></a>. The Persecution of Dr. Willia in Public bookmarkswith manginoopioid-therapypainpersecuted-physicianswar-on-doctors
Medical Guidelines are not Prosecutorial Tools "The WHO guidelines were never intended to be used as a prosecutorial tool. The invocation of the WHO “analgesic ladder” concept of progressive pharmacological treatment of pain, in state investigations of physicians, is sometimes unfair. On the one hand the guidelines are interpreted as rules and the physician is faulted for violating in some aspect. On the other hand, state rules and regulations are often at odds with the spirit and specifics of the WHO guidelines..." in Public bookmarkswith fsmbguidelinesmedicineopioid-therapypainpain-crisispain-managementstandard-of-carewho
Pain Patients Excluded from Senate Hearings Siobhan Reynolds; President, Pain Relief Network; Submitted testimony to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, “Gen Rx: Abuse of Prescription and OTC Drugs“; 2008-03-08 Conclusion: "It is unfortunate that Pain Relief Network was not invited to represent the patients at this hearing, and so the public will instead be treated to a kind of government fear show pushing this year’s moral panic, prescription drug abuse, that seeks merely to distract attention away from the government’s astonishingly brutal and thoughtless drug war campaigns, willfully ignoring direct harm to millions of innocent citizens, though their plight is in plain view." in Public bookmarkswith abusechroniccongresscontrolledcrisisdrughearingopiodpainpolicyprescriptionreliefsubstancetherapy
Treatment of Pain and Substance Abuse When specialists and academics and researchers come together to discuss common barriers to optimal pain management, they have found opioid therapy complicated, in both the pain medicine and addiction medicine fields, by misapprehensions and myths. Portenoy and Payne identified “Four types of phenomena that exemplify the accommodations that must be made to further [the goal of dissemination of accurate and up to date information to the fields].” 2 I will consider these briefly, excerpting from “Pain Specialists and Addiction Medicine Specialists Unite to Address Critical Issues.” 3 in Public bookmarkswith opioidopioid-therapypainpain-managementpain-reliefundertreatment
Utah / Feds Boldly Move Toward Solution to Addiction Excerpt: So, what have we got? We have local officials running around preparing for a hypothetical law enforcement problem the policeman is hyping. Through some horrific leap of irrationality and probably criminal negligence, state and local officials have taken law enforcement’s worst case scenario - that the doctor was a drug dealer, all of his “patients” criminal addicts, all the meds all of them were ever prescribed were 100% diverted to high school students leading to generations of misery and crime for sure - and blotted out any notion that there might be a medically directed public health approach to consider. And no criminal charges [against Dr. William Stack] have even been filed yet. in Public bookmarkswith drug-policydrug-warmediamedia-smearopioidopioid-therapypainwar-on-doctors
DEA: a Psychological Terror Group Siobhan Reynolds, president of the <a href="http://www.painreliefnetwork.org/">Pain Relief Network</a> comments briefly on an essay, by a law enforcement office who is a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (<a href="http://www.leap.cc/cms/index.php">LEAP</a>), about the method and madness behind DEA's attacks on pain patients requiring controlled substances, medical marijuana patients, and on physicians who would minister to both of these government demonized groups, were it not for armed, federal intrusion into the (State licensed and regulated) doctor-patient relationship. ..alex... in Public bookmarkswith cannabisdeadrugslaw-enforcementmedical-marijuanapain