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  • Drug Law Blog
    DeLuca on the Pain Doctor Crackdown; Alex Coolman; Drug War Blog; 2007-06-02.<br /><br /> Excerpt:<br /><br /> "This week Alex DeLuca had an interesting post on the nationwide criminal crackdown on pain doctors and in particular on the effects that this crackdown is having on patients who were previously under the care of these doctors. The bizarre thing, DeLuca notes, is that people who were once steady on pain management medication are instantly being reclassified as "addicts," with no distinction being made between dependence and addiction."<br /><br /> The post by me referred to is:<br /><br /> Utah and Federal Law Enforcement Collaborate Towards a Final Solution to the Prescription Drug Abuse Plague; Alex DeLuca; War on Doctors / Pain Crisis; 2007-05-3
    in War on Doctors / Pain Crisis with controlled-substances crackdown drug-policy drug-war drugs law law-enforcement pain pain-management war-on-doctors

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