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  • Addiction, Pain and Public Health website
    aka - site is a rich repository of full text academic, legal, journalistic and advocacy resources focusing on the federal attacks on pain doctors and pain patients, substance abuse, controlled drinking, harm reduction and psychopharmacology.
    with drug-war mental-health opioid-therapy pain public-health substance-abuse war-on-doctors
  • Digg search now with RSS
    Type in the keywords, NASA picture, then choose the drop down, search promoted. This instructs digg to give me all stories containing the words nasa picture that have, at one point, been promoted to the homepage From here I’m presented with a small RSS button in the upper right... links to the feed for this search allowing you to subscribe. - Friends Aggregator: Another feature to check out is the digg ‘friends’ aggregator. If you have several friends using digg (or other digg members who’s content you enjoy) simply add them as friends in your profile. As your friends digg, feeds are created to track their activity.
    with bookmarking rss search socialbookmarking web-development
  • DrugSense: Drug Law Reform - DrugSense Mission Statement
    DrugSense and its largest project MAP combine to form a 501 c3 non-profit corporation. We exist to provide accurate information relevant to drug policy in order to heighten awareness of the extreme damage being caused to our nation and the world by our current flawed and failed "War on Drugs." We aim to inform the public of the existence of rational alternatives to the drug war, and to help organize citizens to bring about needed reforms.
    with drug-policy drug-war drugsense map media non-profit policy politics prohibition
  • Fed Seeks to Gag Schneiders/PRN
    Excerpt from AP article: "[Reynolds] said prosecutors should not be attacking constitutional rights: 'I’m shocked that the government would try to get a gag order against a political activist. I find that stunning.'"
    with 1st amendment gag kansas lawsuit liberties order prosecution reynolds schneider siobhan vindictive
  • Mangino to Represent Self in Nov. 28 Hearing
    Several days ago Dr. William Mangino whose case the <a rel="nofollow" href="">Pain Relief Network</a> has been involved with, and that the <a rel="nofollow" href="">War on Docs/Pain Crisis</a> blog has followed in depth (see links below), sent me three documents, some fifteen pages in all, handwritten in block text, which I will call Mangino Petitioner's Motion including: 1. a two page letter to Judge Motto, 2. a six page Brief in Support of Petitioner's Motion, and, 3. a nine page Supplement to the Brief in Support All three handwritten documents available, as a <a rel="nofollow" href=""><b>single PDF</b></a>. The Persecution of Dr. Willia
    with mangino opioid-therapy pain persecuted-physicians war-on-doctors
  • Medical Guidelines are not Prosecutorial Tools
    "The WHO guidelines were never intended to be used as a prosecutorial tool. The invocation of the WHO “analgesic ladder” concept of progressive pharmacological treatment of pain, in state investigations of physicians, is sometimes unfair. On the one hand the guidelines are interpreted as rules and the physician is faulted for violating in some aspect. On the other hand, state rules and regulations are often at odds with the spirit and specifics of the WHO guidelines..."
    with fsmb guidelines medicine opioid-therapy pain pain-crisis pain-management standard-of-care who
  • Pain Patients Excluded from Senate Hearings
    Siobhan Reynolds; President, Pain Relief Network; Submitted testimony to the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, “Gen Rx: Abuse of Prescription and OTC Drugs“; 2008-03-08 Conclusion: "It is unfortunate that Pain Relief Network was not invited to represent the patients at this hearing, and so the public will instead be treated to a kind of government fear show pushing this year’s moral panic, prescription drug abuse, that seeks merely to distract attention away from the government’s astonishingly brutal and thoughtless drug war campaigns, willfully ignoring direct harm to millions of innocent citizens, though their plight is in plain view."
    with abuse chronic congress controlled crisis drug hearing opiod pain policy prescription relief substance therapy
  • PRN in World of Pain - Videos
    This is an addendum to my recent post: PRN on Video, which provided links to the three PRN related videos in the ‘See also’ section, above.<br /><br /> To these: <br /><br /> - Siobhan, Ronan, Dr. Cole and Dr. Siegle on Fox <br /> - AP interview with veteran James Fernandez <br /> - The Chilling Effect - documentary by S. Reynolds <br /><br /> I add this short video of Siobhan Reynolds speaking about her husband, Sean Greenwood, co-founder of the Pain Relief Network, and chronic pain patient who died, in agony, earlier this year. This clip is part of the Associated Press media package, ‘World of Pain.’
    with chilling-effect chronic-pain ethics opioid opioid-therapy pain-crisis pain-relief prn veteran world-of-pain
  • PRN v Kansas, Mukasey, DOJ, et al.
    PAIN RELIEF NETWORK, on behalf of patients of Stephen J. Schneider, D.O., Plaintiff, <br /> vs.<br /> THE STATE OF KANSAS, THE KANSAS STATE BOARD OF HEALING ARTS, MICHAEL MUKASEY, in his official capacity as United States Attorney General; ERIC F. MELGREN, in his official capacity as the United States Attorney for the District of Kansas, and THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Defendants. "INTRODUCTION # 1. This is an action brought by the Pain Relief Network, on behalf of patients of Dr. Stephen J. Schneider, seeking declaratory and injunctive relief on an emergency basis and accordingly petitioning this Court as follows: * (A) to declare palliative care (in the form of FDA-approved pharmaceuticals) a fundamental right of patients in severe pain..
    with constitution controlled-substances lawsuit liberties opiophobia pain-relief persecuted-physicians prn
  • The Double Effect of Pain Medication - Separating Myth from Reality
    Very good review of this important principle: ..alex... ABSTRACT - The principle of double effect is used to justify the administration of medication to relieve pain even though it may lead to the unintended, although foreseen, consequence of hastening death by causing respiratory depression. Although a review of the medical literature reveals that the risk of respiratory depression from opioid analgesic is more myth than fact and that there is little evidence that the use of medication to control pain hastens death, the belief in the double effect of pain medication remains widespread. Applying the principle of double effect to end-of-life issues perpetuates this myth and results in the undertreatment of physical suffering at the end of life. The concept
    with double-effect ethics opioid-therapy principle respiratory-depression
  • Treatment of Pain and Substance Abuse
    When specialists and academics and researchers come together to discuss common barriers to optimal pain management, they have found opioid therapy complicated, in both the pain medicine and addiction medicine fields, by misapprehensions and myths. Portenoy and Payne identified “Four types of phenomena that exemplify the accommodations that must be made to further [the goal of dissemination of accurate and up to date information to the fields].” 2 I will consider these briefly, excerpting from “Pain Specialists and Addiction Medicine Specialists Unite to Address Critical Issues.” 3
    with opioid opioid-therapy pain pain-management pain-relief undertreatment
  • USA v Dr. Martinez goes to Jury - Not Guilty on Drug Charges
    Excerpt: By targeting banal and ordinary medical practice, the Federal government gets the maximal chilling effect bang for their buck. The message of this case to physicians nationwide couldn’t be clearer - no physician prescribing opioid analgesic therapy for chronic pain is safe, even if you are obviously not a “pill mill,” obviously are a professional M.D., and are not even a “high dose prescriber” chronic pain doctor.
    with dea federalism liberties pain-crisis pain-management pain-relief persecuted-physicians prosecution war-on-doctors
  • Utah / Feds Boldly Move Toward Solution to Addiction
    Excerpt: So, what have we got? We have local officials running around preparing for a hypothetical law enforcement problem the policeman is hyping. Through some horrific leap of irrationality and probably criminal negligence, state and local officials have taken law enforcement’s worst case scenario - that the doctor was a drug dealer, all of his “patients” criminal addicts, all the meds all of them were ever prescribed were 100% diverted to high school students leading to generations of misery and crime for sure - and blotted out any notion that there might be a medically directed public health approach to consider. And no criminal charges [against Dr. William Stack] have even been filed yet.
    with drug-policy drug-war media media-smear opioid opioid-therapy pain war-on-doctors
  • Compare and website statistics and traffic graphs on Statsaholic
    Can compare any three at a time.
    with bookmarking socialbookmarking statistics web-utility
  • Connotea is a Database - Innovative ways to use Connotea
    Connotea, a bibliographically-oriented social bookmarking website, is for much more than just bibliographic references.
    with connotea database endnote reference-manager socialbookmarking tagging web2.0
  • DEA: a Psychological Terror Group
    Siobhan Reynolds, president of the <a href="">Pain Relief Network</a> comments briefly on an essay, by a law enforcement office who is a member of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (<a href="">LEAP</a>), about the method and madness behind DEA's attacks on pain patients requiring controlled substances, medical marijuana patients, and on physicians who would minister to both of these government demonized groups, were it not for armed, federal intrusion into the (State licensed and regulated) doctor-patient relationship. ..alex...
    with cannabis dea drugs law-enforcement medical-marijuana pain
  • New Digg Profiles Launch
    Informative brief video covering newer features of Digg social bookmarking site.
    with bookmarking digg profiles socialbookmarking
  • Patriot Act Details
    The USA PATRIOT Act, 2001,grants sweeping new powers to law enforcement and intelligence gathering authorities. The Act offers a broad definition... subject non-terrorist political groups to surveillance, wiretapping, harassment, and criminal action: * (§802) Allows secret searches, perform roving wiretaps, and gain access to highly personal medical, financial, mental health, and student records. * (§206 and §507) Authorizes forcing librarians and booksellers to hand over records * (§215) Allows investigate citizens for criminal activity without probable cause... * (§218) Allows search a person's home without anyone present and to delay notification indefinitely.
    with constitution fbi intelligence law-enforcement liberties patriot-act police-state politics terrorism by 2 users
  • URL Encoding
    What are those "%20" codes in URLs? NEAT UTILITY: scroll down to use the: <b>URL encoding converter</b> which below allows you to convert content between its unencoded and encoded forms. The initial input state is considered to be "unencoded" (hit 'Convert' at the beginning to start in the encoded state.) Further, to allow actual URLs to be encoded, this little converter does not encode URL syntax characters (the ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=", "#" and "&" characters)...if you also need to encode these characters for any reason, see the "Reserved characters" table above for the appropriate encoded values.
    with encoding html markup web-development web-utility by 13 users
  • Video - Social Bookmarking in Plain English
    Common Craft - Explanations In Plain English
    with bookmarking overview socialbookmarking video web web2.0 by 7 users

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