Search tips
  • Digg search now with RSS
    Type in the keywords, NASA picture, then choose the drop down, search promoted. This instructs digg to give me all stories containing the words nasa picture that have, at one point, been promoted to the homepage From here I’m presented with a small RSS button in the upper right... links to the feed for this search allowing you to subscribe. - Friends Aggregator: Another feature to check out is the digg ‘friends’ aggregator. If you have several friends using digg (or other digg members who’s content you enjoy) simply add them as friends in your profile. As your friends digg, feeds are created to track their activity.
    in Public bookmarks with bookmarking rss search socialbookmarking web-development
  • URL Encoding
    What are those "%20" codes in URLs? NEAT UTILITY: scroll down to use the: <b>URL encoding converter</b> which below allows you to convert content between its unencoded and encoded forms. The initial input state is considered to be "unencoded" (hit 'Convert' at the beginning to start in the encoded state.) Further, to allow actual URLs to be encoded, this little converter does not encode URL syntax characters (the ";", "/", "?", ":", "@", "=", "#" and "&" characters)...if you also need to encode these characters for any reason, see the "Reserved characters" table above for the appropriate encoded values.
    in Public bookmarks with encoding html markup web-development web-utility by 13 users

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