- Affymetrix - Event Archive
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- Affymetrix - Family Medical History Information and Teaching Tools
"Compiling and understanding your family medical history is good for your health. Knowing what kinds of diseases run in your family makes controlling or preventing them easier. "
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- Affymetrix - Fusion SDK
"The fusion software developers kit contains tool to parse Affymetrix data files generated by the MAS/GCOS system as well as the future Affymetrix GeneChip Command Console (project name "Calvin"), Expression Console and Genotyping Console software."
with bioinformatics microarray programming
- Affymetrix - GeneChip® Command Console™ Beta Software Download (AGCC)
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- Affymetrix - Learning Center, GTYPE 4.1 Overview
"The Affymetrix GeneChip® Genotyping Analysis Software (GTYPE) 4.1 is part of the GeneChip Mapping Array System, specifically designed to give highly accurate, automated SNP allele calls for the GeneChip Mapping Arrays."
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- Affymetrix - Sample Data, Gene 1.0 ST Array Data Set
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- Affymetrix Power Tools: MANUAL: apt-cel-convert (apt-1.10.2)
"apt-cel-convert - program to convert cel files to different types."
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- AFS Installation Guide for Mac OS X
with afs mac tips
- Agile Web Development with Rails—Second Edition
"A Beta Book is a book that's still in development. Buy it, and you'll be able to download successive releases of the PDF as the authors add material and correct mistakes. Then, when the book is finished, you'll get the final PDF."
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- Airline CityPairs
This site can be used for travel cost estimates.
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- Ajax : Introduction and Architecture - OOPSLA 2006
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- Ajax Architecture
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- Ajax Architecture
Ajax Quick Start
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- AJAX for Bioinformatics - Simple Example
"This tutorial is based on the W3Schools AJAX tutorial. It also uses NCBI's eutils."
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- AJAX tutorial - ibm
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- AJAX tutorial - w3schools
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- Akaike information criterion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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- Akamai:
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"A resource of gene frequency data on human populations supported by the U. S. National Science Foundation."
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- Allen Brain Atlas
"The Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) is an interactive, genome-wide image database of gene expression in the mouse brain."
with genetics ndar
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