- 5A Tutorial - Viewing a Microarray Dataset - Workbench
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"The Microarray Enterprise Manager (MEM), a novel web-based information management solution for Microarray Core Service Providers and the scientists they serve, was created in collaboration with leading scientists from the Translational Genomics Research
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- A compilation of molecular biology web servers: 2006 update on the Bioinformatics Links Directory -- Fox et al. 34 (Suppleme...
"This compilation lists the servers published in this and previous issues of Nucleic Acids Research Web Server issues together with many other useful tools, databases, and resources for bioinformatics and molecular biology research."
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"The Personalized Medicine Coalition (PMC), was launched in 2004 educate the public and policymakers, and to promote new ways of thinking about healthcare."
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- Active Motif » Text Mining Solution
AKS 2: "... literature mining system that delivers powerful search capabilities and visualization tools, and it helps you uncover relationships between genes, proteins, drugs, chemical compounds, symptoms and diseases that exist within PubMed abstracts."
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- Activity Codes, Organizational Codes, and Definitions Used in NIH Extramural Programs
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This is a BioConductor "package for parsing Affymetrix files (CDF, CEL, CHP, BPMAP, BAR)".
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- Affymetrix - Affymetrix Power Tools
"Affymetrix Power Tools (APT) are a set of cross-platform command line programs that implement algorithms for analyzing and working with Affymetrix GeneChip® arrays. APT is an open-source project licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)."
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- Affymetrix - Affymetrix Power Tools
"The Affymetrix Power Tools (APT) contains C++ source code for analyzing Affymetrix data and a set of command line tools built on this source code."
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"gtype_cel_to_pq tool extracts probesets from genotyping CEL filess into tab-delimited text suitable for import into other tools such as R."
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- Affymetrix - Educator Resources - Microarray Animations and PowerPoints 2005
"This section contains two current animations detailing Microarray funtions as well as other PowerPoint resources to use within the various modules."
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- Affymetrix - Educator Resources, Links
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