- Pentobarbital in Pet Food Never Resolved
Interesting, unbiased review of the facts & results in the FDA investigation into euthanized pets possibly being used in pet food.
in Misc. with cats info pet_food pets society
- Save Pens (Or Ink) -- Use Garamond
Using ball-point pens, some guys did a non-scientific experiment to see how much ink various popular fonts use up -- includes results & photos.
in Computers & Electronics with fonts info printers
- ShopWiki - netbooks $100-$400
in Import > Simpy with directory info netbooks shopping simpy_bookmarks
- SNAP (Food Stamps) FAQ
Long, useful list of Frequently Asked Questions about today's "food stamps", known as SNAP: who can/can't get it, average benefits, which foods are eligible, etc.
in Misc. with faqs government info snap social_programs social_services
- Social Security & Supplemental Security Income Benefit Publications
Official SSA site full of info about Social Security, SSI, and Medicare -- introduction, disability benefits, Medicare, etc.
in Health & Disability with disability government info medicaid__medicare social_services ssi__ssdi
- Start Here | Tyrannozaurus
Page full of resources, including a full list of all the downloadable feeds of Zaurus packages (most of which have vanished off the rest of the net).
in Computers & Electronics with downloads info linux software zaurus
- State-Specific TANF Information
Official government site; most useful aspect is that it has the specific requirements and websites for each individual state. General TANF info is limited to a very short FAQ.
in Misc. with directory faqs government info social_programs social_services tanf
- Stereotypes, Myths, and Attitudes
in Health & Disability with disability employment info simpy_bookmarks stereotypes students
- Testimonies of learning disabled abuse - The Guardian
Description of some of the stories chronicled in the new documentary "Sticks and Stones", which covers how people with learning disabilities are victims of hate crimes, experiencing violence, harassment, or cold indifference.
in Health & Disability with abuse autism disability disability_rights hate_crime info learning_disability recommendations society videos
- The "Welfare Reform Act" of 1996
The text of Pres. Clinton's Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996; includes some very useful information.
in Misc. with government history info social_programs social_services welfare
- The Annotated Grateful Dead Lyrics
Links to all of the songs in the huge AGDL, which describes where the lyrics refer to a particular literary figure, religious story, experiences the band had, song, or other influence.
in Misc. with grateful_dead info lyrics music
- The Anti-Mac: Violating the Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines
Graphical interfaces haven't really changed since the first Mac (or IIGS) came out... This group is devoted to discovering new interface designs by deliberately violating the principles of Apple's Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines, and many of their creations have been adopted by Apple or other GUI designers.
in Computers & Electronics with computers gui info
- The History of US Government Food Stamps
Detailed yet easy-to-read history of food stamps, all the way up through today's program, known as SNAP.
in Misc. with government history info snap social_programs social_services
- The Many Models of Disability
disability,info,disability models,social-model
in Health & Disability with disability disability_models info simpy_bookmarks social-model
- The Seven Nutritional Factors of Quality Pet Food
Briefly explains what to look for or avoid in various categories of pet food ingredients like protein & grain types.
in Misc. with cats info pet_food pet_food_ingredients pets
- ThriftyFun!
community,discussion,#1 favorites,info,howto
in Import > Simpy with 1-best-of community discussion howto info simpy_bookmarks by 8 users
- Tyrannozaurus
Largely-defunct blog & 'archived' forum for the Zaurus line, but contains a lot of very useful information and links to on-site repositories.
in Computers & Electronics with blogs info linux zaurus
- Ultimate Guide To SSI & SSDI
Aims to share info on SSI/SSDI from all over the web in order to help applicants & recipients; also includes links to other resource sites.
in Health & Disability with disability government info social_services ssi__ssdi
- Understanding Supplemental Security Income
All about every aspect of SSI one could wonder about (who gets it? what if I'm overpaid?), with a descriptive table of contents.
in Health & Disability with disability government info social_services ssi__ssdi
- Virtues of Ultima
Lengthly article about the many virtue & ethics systems that appear in the Ultima series, including how they came about in real life.
in Computers & Electronics with 4 5 6 7 behind_the_scenes games gaming history info origin_systems the_black_gate ultima virtues
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