- 2002 HHS fiscal report on long-term care
Fiscal Analysis section of a 2002 Health & Human Services report on long-term care. Outdated, but useful for quick citations re: spending on at-home vs. nursing home care.
in Health & Disability with aging_in_place assisted_living disability_rights government independent_living medicaid__medicare social_services society
- 2010 Calendar for SSI & Social Security Payments
Indicates when payments are made, which is very useful for someone wondering whether a certain day qualifies as a holiday (payment then made the previous work day).
in Health & Disability with disability government info ssi__ssdi
- Health/Human Services FAQ Search
Searches the FAQs for Health & Human Services subjects -- diseases, disasters, food stamps, grants, immigration, etc. Extremely useful for refuting claims by other people in discussion forums.
in Health & Disability with faqs government health info medicaid__medicare psych search snap social_programs ssi__ssdi tanf
- Information for Senior Citizens/U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Information on finding in-home help, reverse mortgages for seniors, affordable apartments, assisted living facilities, and related topics.
in Health & Disability with aging_in_place assisted_living disability_rights government independent_living social_services
- Myths About Welfare Reform
Excellent page disputing welfare myths by explaining the reality & how the myth came to be. Most important is the common belief that poverty levels declined due to the Welfare Reform Act of '96. Written by a UCLA professor, and easy to understand.
in Misc. with 1-best-of government history info social_programs social_services tanf welfare
- SNAP (Food Stamps) FAQ
Long, useful list of Frequently Asked Questions about today's "food stamps", known as SNAP: who can/can't get it, average benefits, which foods are eligible, etc.
in Misc. with faqs government info snap social_programs social_services
- Social Security & Supplemental Security Income Benefit Publications
Official SSA site full of info about Social Security, SSI, and Medicare -- introduction, disability benefits, Medicare, etc.
in Health & Disability with disability government info medicaid__medicare social_services ssi__ssdi
- State-Specific TANF Information
Official government site; most useful aspect is that it has the specific requirements and websites for each individual state. General TANF info is limited to a very short FAQ.
in Misc. with directory faqs government info social_programs social_services tanf
- The "Welfare Reform Act" of 1996
The text of Pres. Clinton's Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996; includes some very useful information.
in Misc. with government history info social_programs social_services welfare
- The History of US Government Food Stamps
Detailed yet easy-to-read history of food stamps, all the way up through today's program, known as SNAP.
in Misc. with government history info snap social_programs social_services
- Ultimate Guide To SSI & SSDI
Aims to share info on SSI/SSDI from all over the web in order to help applicants & recipients; also includes links to other resource sites.
in Health & Disability with disability government info social_services ssi__ssdi
- Understanding Supplemental Security Income
All about every aspect of SSI one could wonder about (who gets it? what if I'm overpaid?), with a descriptive table of contents.
in Health & Disability with disability government info social_services ssi__ssdi
- Welfare's History, From AFDC To TANF
About the history of welfare, today's TANF version, and the change to it from AFDC (which had the traits people inaccurately claim of today's welfare).
in Misc. with government history info social_programs social_services welfare
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