- 2010 Calendar for SSI & Social Security Payments
Indicates when payments are made, which is very useful for someone wondering whether a certain day qualifies as a holiday (payment then made the previous work day).
in Health & Disability with disability government info ssi__ssdi
- Health/Human Services FAQ Search
Searches the FAQs for Health & Human Services subjects -- diseases, disasters, food stamps, grants, immigration, etc. Extremely useful for refuting claims by other people in discussion forums.
in Health & Disability with faqs government health info medicaid__medicare psych search snap social_programs ssi__ssdi tanf
- Social Security & Supplemental Security Income Benefit Publications
Official SSA site full of info about Social Security, SSI, and Medicare -- introduction, disability benefits, Medicare, etc.
in Health & Disability with disability government info medicaid__medicare social_services ssi__ssdi
- Ultimate Guide To SSI & SSDI
Aims to share info on SSI/SSDI from all over the web in order to help applicants & recipients; also includes links to other resource sites.
in Health & Disability with disability government info social_services ssi__ssdi
- Understanding Supplemental Security Income
All about every aspect of SSI one could wonder about (who gets it? what if I'm overpaid?), with a descriptive table of contents.
in Health & Disability with disability government info social_services ssi__ssdi
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