- [EN] Can OneCloud from Box Bring Cloud and Mobile Together? | RealStoryGroup
Can OneCloud from Box Bring Cloud and Mobile Together? | Apoorv Durga | April 2, 2012 | Well, that's a buzzword-compliant uestion...but an important one nonetheless. Consider that: Mobile has been a big driver of cloud. Tablets (iPad in particular) have become increasingly prevalent within enterprises, Enterprises are paying more attention to cloud and mobile. Since Box wants to become more enterprise-y, it has taken advantage of these trends, witnessed most recently by its announcement a new offering called OneCloud.
in Public bookmarks with [en] box box.net cloud connect content ecm enterprise management mobile mobility onecloud realstorygroup repository trends
- [EN] Cisco buys Collaboration Software vendor Versly | 30.08.2011
Cisco buys Collaboration Software vendor Versly | 30.08.2011 | Cisco enters the ECM space | Cisco tried to beef up its Cisco Quad enterprise collaboration product this week by purchasing Versly, a small software vendor still in private beta. The Versly product, however, provides a way for users to collaborate at the document level inside Microsoft Office, which was probably the appeal for Cisco.
in Public bookmarks with [en] cisco collaboration document-management documents ecm enterprise-content-management for:twitter merger microsoft office trends
- [EN] Cloud Computing Advantages & Disadvantages | Infographic | CloudTweaks - AppNeta
Cloud Computing Advantages & Disadvantages | Infographic | CloudTweaks - AppNeta | 11.07.2011
in Public bookmarks with [en] cloud for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter infographic market risk saas trends
- [EN] CMIS 1.0 May Be 3.0 Years Too Late ? | Toby Bell | Gartner | 13.01.2011
CMIS 1.0 May Be 3.0 Years Too Late | Toby Bell | January 13, 2011 | ... So, the first rule of standards might seem to be that they are not often global – whether in a geographic or even a company-wide sense. And, since Enterprise Content Management is as much a contradiction in terms as Naked Mole Rat…
in Public bookmarks with [en] cmis ecm enterprise-content-management gartner imported standards trends
- [EN] CMSwire | Box Rises On Cloud Interest, Traditional Enterprise CMS Vendors By-passed
CMSwire | Box Rises On Cloud Interest, Traditional Enterprise CMS Vendors By-passed | David Roe | 11.01.2012 | If anyone doubted that there was money in the cloud, then the end-of-year wrap from Box might dispel it. According to CEO Aaron Levie, over the last year alone, its revenues doubled, staff numbers has more than doubled, and it has doubled its customer base to more than 8 million users. Just a small caveat here: These are all figures and claims made by the company itself so there is no independent verification. However, there is no reason to doubt them as the growth in the use of cloud applications has been well documented over the course of 2011. | Box and the Cloud | Leaving aside the figures themselves, there are a few interesting insights tha...
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- [EN] CMSWIRE | Toppling a Giant: SharePoint 2010, the iPad & Social Business | Joe Shepley | 6.7.2011
[EN] CMSWIRE : Toppling a Giant: SharePoint 2010, the iPad & Social Business | Joe Shepley | 06.07.2011 | The concept, design and architecture is outdated when looking on collaboration with apps in the iPad world | This year Sharepoint will hit the summit of the lifecycle curve
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- [EN] CMSWire: Kofax to Go Public, Google Docs, Ephesoft etc. | 06.09.2011
CMSWire: Kofax to Go Public, Google Docs, Ephesoft etc. | Document Mgt Roll-up: Kofax to Go Public, Google Offers Offline Gmail, Docs, Calendar
| David Roe (@druadh20) | Sep 6, 2011
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- [EN] CMSWire: State of the ECM Industry 2011 Part 2: Social Business, SharePoint, Spending | 7.4.2011
David Roe (@druadh20) from CMSWire comments on AIIM State of the ECM Industry 2011 Part 2: Social Business, SharePoint, Spending | 7.4.2011
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- [EN] Collaboration Will Become More People-centric in 2011 and Will Challenge C&C Pros | Forrester
Collaboration Will Become More People-centric in 2011 and Will Challenge C&C | Rob Koplowitz | December 1, 2010 | Forrester Blog
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- [EN] CPTN Holding LLC: What is the Microsoft consortium buying from the Attachmate Novell deal?
But then under the two-way deal, Attachmate is then going to get $450m to sell some unspecified intellectual property to a consortium called CPTN Holdings LLC, which was organized by Microsoft. So Attachmate is paying only $706.6m to get Novell.
in Public bookmarks with [en] acquisition attachmate imported microsoft novell trends
- [EN] Death of The Document | Eric Savitz | CIO Network - Forbes
Der Artikel "Death of The Document" von Eric Savitz im Forbes CIO Network vom April 2011 fasst eigentlich nur zusammen, was seit Jahren in der ECM Branche klar ist - die Unterscheidung Daten und Dokumente, strukturiert und unstruktiert, ist längst obsolet. Es lebe das Informationsobjekt, das beliebig strukturiert Daten als Information zusammenfasst und im Kontext zeitpunktgenau "dokumentiert". Dies können Transaktionen, PDFs, Webseiten, Scans, Excel-Dateien, Listen, Datenbanken oder was auch immer sein.
in Public bookmarks with [en] container document for:project_consult_kampffmeyer for:twitter format future information-object market records trends
- [EN] Definition of Content Management | Word-of-Pie
Defining Content Management | Laurence Hart | As you may have noticed, I have talked a lot over the years about what Enterprise Content Management is and where it is going. During that process, there have been several posts that have built on each other and a gradually evolving definition. I have found it increasingly difficult to remember where my latest post was called, much less all the preceding posts. | As a result, I am creating this page as a launching point to past posts and to host the my current definition of important Content Management terms, primarily Enterprise Content Management. All I ask if that if you want to debate the definition is to dive into the most recent post on the topic so you can read and join the dialog there. | Enterprise C...
in Public bookmarks with [en] cm cms content-management ecm enterprise-content-management imported trends
- [EN] Digital Landfill - John Mancini: 100 technology predictions (plus 10 of my own) for 2013
In an earlier post (2013 Predictions -- Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement -- What Comes Next?) I talked about the next steps in the "collision" between Systems of Record and Systems of Engagement. That got me thinking about all of the other "prediction" posts relative to technology. I have to admit, I love these posts. So following a quick recap of my own predictions re SoR and SoE, you will find 100 (yes 100) predictions from posts I found interesting. This, of course, is not to imply that I've found them all. Most likely not. So if you know of some I've missed, add the link in the comments and I'll add them to the list.
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim bigdata cloud ecm eim information management mancini migration mobile predictions social trends
- [EN] Digital Landfill | ECM Industry Watch
Blog mit John Mancini von AIIM zu Trends und Markt für Enterprise Content Management | Home of the "8 Things" Series
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- [EN] DLM Forum | Invitation to Tender | MoReq 2 Work Programme 2010
DLM Forum | Invitation to Tender | MoReq 2 Work Programme 2010 | MoReq Roadmap | Work Programme Objectives | Project Approach Guidelines | Project Enquiries & Information | Geplante Überarbeitung MoReq2 bis Mai 2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] certificate dlm dlm-forum dod erm ica imported metadaten moreq moreq2 records-management standards trends xml by 2 users
- [EN] Document Boss: ECM Industry Perspectives - Consolidation? Convergence? or Evolution? Find out the Truth | 22.12.2009
ECM Industry Perspectives - Consolidation? Convergence? or Evolution? Find out the Truth | Document Boss | Three questions to John Mancini (President, AIIM International), Alan Pelze-Sharpe (Principle at CMS Watch) and Ulrich Kampffmeyer (President of PROJECT CONSULT) | 22.12.2009 | The ECM market is undergoing further consolidation, convergence and evolution with the impact of Microsoft Sharepoint, Web 2.0, cloud computing, enterprise social networking, virtualisation and other innovations and discontinuities in the market.
in Public bookmarks with 2.0 [en] aiim collaboration compliance consolidation e_2.0 ecm eim enterprise-content-management imported kampffmeyer mancini markt project-consult saas sharepoint trends by 2 users
- [EN] ECM market changes: CISCO, HP; OpenText, Lexmark etc. | XING Information & Document Management
[EN] ECM market changes | XING Information & Document Management | ECM market changes - OpenText, CISCO, HP, Adobe, Lexmark ...
We had quite a lot of new merger & acquisition activities lately which have some major impact on the ECM market - if we still want to call it ECM (and not Social Business, Enterprise Information Management, Social Content Management a.s.o.).
in Public bookmarks with [en] adobe cisco document-management ecm emc enterprise-content-management gartner google hp ibm market markt microsoft opentext sap socbiz social-media social_software trends
- [EN] ECM vs. EIM | Kurt Chen | 01.05.2009
ECM vs. EIM | Enterprise Content Management versus Enterprise Information Management | The TEC Blog | Kurt Chen | 05.01.2009 | The IT industry is constructed of three-letter acronyms (TLAs). However, the total number of possible three-letter abbreviations using the 26 letters of the alphabet is only 17,576. This explains the stars-wearing-the-same-dress types of incidents in the IT world. When Sherry Fox discussed ECM and EIM, the acronyms represented enterprise compensation management and enterprise incentive management respectively. In this blog, the two “dresses” are worn by two different stars—enterprise content management and enterprise information management.
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog ecm eim enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management imported trends by 2 users
- [EN] Eight Things ... | The full list | Digital Landfill
Articles about ECM ... "8 Things" ... the full list of articles ... the book will be available on September 30th, 2009
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- [EN] Electronic Records Management | AIIM Industry Watch | September 2009
Direct link: http://www.aiim.org/PDFDocuments/37388.pdf | AIIM | In most organizations, electronic records are still taken less seriously than paper records. Responsibility for applying good records management practice to electronic records would seem to reside in the IT Department rather than in the Records Department, and even where good policies exist, they are often not monitored or enforced. In this report we have compared volumes, policies and effectiveness between the management of electronic records and that of traditional paper. Legal-discovery and litigation-hold have created a demand for specific e-discovery tools, so we looked at their take up. We have also looked at the integration issues across multiple records repositories and measured lon...
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