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  • [EN] Electronic Records Management | AIIM Industry Watch | September 2009
    Direct link: | AIIM | In most organizations, electronic records are still taken less seriously than paper records. Responsibility for applying good records management practice to electronic records would seem to reside in the IT Department rather than in the Records Department, and even where good policies exist, they are often not monitored or enforced. In this report we have compared volumes, policies and effectiveness between the management of electronic records and that of traditional paper. Legal-discovery and litigation-hold have created a demand for specific e-discovery tools, so we looked at their take up. We have also looked at the integration issues across multiple records repositories and measured lon...
    By UKff in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim article erm markt records-management rm standards study trends
  • [EN] Electronic Records Management | AIIM Industry Watch | September 2009
    Direct link: | AIIM | In most organizations, electronic records are still taken less seriously than paper records. Responsibility for applying good records management practice to electronic records would seem to reside in the IT Department rather than in the Records Department, and even where good policies exist, they are often not monitored or enforced. In this report we have compared volumes, policies and effectiveness between the management of electronic records and that of traditional paper. Legal-discovery and litigation-hold have created a demand for specific e-discovery tools, so we looked at their take up. We have also looked at the integration issues across multiple records repositories and measured lon...
    By PROJECTCONSULT in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim article erm imported markt records-management rm standards study trends

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