[EN] How Mobile influences the Shopping process | TheNextWeb The Moment of Truth, according to A.G. Lafley (former CEO of P&G), is the moment when a consumer walks up to a store shelf and find the products stocked. Mobile agency Momads realises that the first Moment of Truth is increasingly going mobile, owners are using their mobile phones to obtain information about products, compare features and get the best prices. With that in mind, Momads created a rich infographic visualising how mobile plays its part in the shopping process: in Public bookmarkswith [en]barcodee-businessfor:twitterinfographicinformavoremobilerfidtrendsweb2.0
[EN] The Age of the Informavore - A talk with Frank Schirrmacher | Edge The Age of the Informavore - A talk with Frank Schirrmacher | Comments and interview in English about Schirrmachers book "Payback" | The term informavore characterizes an organism that consumes information. It is meant to be a description of human behavior in modern information society, in comparison to omnivore, as a description of humans consuming food | Backgroud + interview text + video + a lot of statements of the "Reality Club" in Public bookmarkswith [en]blogimportedinformavoreschirrmachertrendsby 2 users