- "Enterprise 2.0 Open" | sevenload
Videos von der Enterprise 2.0 Open während der CeBIT 2008 (KongressMedia)
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] conference enterprise2.0 imported presentation web2.0 web3.0 web_2.0 web_3.0 by 2 users
- [DE] [EN] Quellen zu MoReq2 | MoReq2 resources
MoReq + MoReq2 Standard, Artikel, Broschüren, Vorträge, Kongressbände etc.
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] article dlm dlm-forum dod ica imported iso_15489 kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 presentation project_consult records-management schriftgutverwaltung standards
- [DE] Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Information Management | Vereon Entscheiderforum "Cloud vs. Inhouse" | 01.06.2010 | Trailer
Trailer des Vortrages von Ulrich Kampffmeyer "Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Information Management" auf dem Vereon Entscheiderforum "Information Management: Cloud vs. Inhouse" am 01.06.2010 in Zürich
in Public bookmarks with [de] cloud ecm eim enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management imported information-management kampffmeyer presentation project-consult saas sharepoint ulrich_kampffmeyer vereon video
- [DE] Bundesarchiv | 8. Europäischen Archivkonferenz | Grundsatzvortrag Menne-Haritz
Teilnahme an der 8. Europäischen Archivkonferenz über Digitale Archivierung | Das Bundesarchiv präsentierte seine Arbeit zur Bereitstellung von Infor ma tionen im Internet und zur Sicherung digitaler Aufzeichnungen aus Verwaltungs- und Ent scheidungsprozessen | Bundesarchiv Vizepräsidentin Prof. Dr. Angelika Menne-Haritz (Video) |Dr. Michael Hollmann: „Das Elektronische Archiv des Bundesarchivs
in Public bookmarks with [de] apenet archivierung bundesarchiv digital-preservation imported presentation
- [DE] Die furchterregende Twitterwall | Pro+Kontra Twitterwall | Written in Basis | 15.11.2010
Referenten: Die furchterregende Twitterwall von Robert Basicam 15.11.2010 ... das erfordert schon einiges an Können beim Referenten, mit einer Twitterwall umzugehen
in Public bookmarks with [de] imported presentation twitter twitterwall
- [DE] DMS EXPO Köln 15.9.-17.9.2009 | Einladung auf XING
Die DMS EXPO ist seit über 10 Jahren die wichtigste Messe- und Tagungsveranstaltung zu Themen von Enterprise Content Management, Dokumentenmanagement, Archivierung, Geschäftsprozessmanagement und anderen Dokumenten-Technologien in Mitteleuropa.
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung beratung capture conference dms dmsexpo document-related-technologies dokumentenmanagement drt ecm enterprise-content-management fair imported kampffmeyer presentation project-consult records-management xing by 2 users
- [DE] EIM Enterprise Information Management - Präsentation in Englisch [EN] | PROJECT CONSULT
EIM Enterprise Information Management | Präsentation in Englisch | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Powerpoint Presentation in English | Powerpoint-Version: http://bit.ly/Kff-EIM-PPTX | PDF-Version: http://bit.ly/Kff-EIM-PDF | Contents | 1) EIM ~ All information must be treated equal 2) EIM ~ A self-fulfilling prophecy 3) EIM ~ Definition still in progress 4) From ECM to EIM ~ A functional model 5) EIM ~ A platform and an ecosystem 6) What’s up with EIM? | Definition | "EIM Enterprise Information Management is the comprehensive management and utilization of all information of an enterprise irrespective of location, user, author, source, application, platform, use case, format, medium, and time."
in Public bookmarks with [de] [en] consult content ecm eim enterprise information kampffmeyer management powerpoint presentation project ulrich
- [DE] Elektronische Archivierung | Online-Seminar von Vogel-IT mit Dr. Kampffmeyer
Elektronische Archivierung - Planung, Einsatz und Migration | Online-Seminar mit Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, PROJECT CONSULT | VOGEL IT Business Media | aufgezeichnet von der RMF RichMediaFactory | 4 Teile | Juni 2010
in Public bookmarks with [de] archiv archivierung archiving digital_preservation document_related_technologies dokumentenmanagement dublincore elektronische gdpdu imaging imported kampffmeyer presentation project-consult saas seminar trends ulrich_kampffmeyer video
- [DE] Erklärung von Enterprise 2.0 mit PREZI
Till Achinger | 21.06.2010
in Public bookmarks with [de] e2.0 enterprise_2.0 imported presentation prezi web2.0 web_2.0
- [DE] Standards im Records Management
MoReq2 | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | 31. DGI Online Tagung | 15.10.2009
in Public bookmarks with 15489 [de] archivierung buchmesse conference dgi dlm dokumentenmanagement imported iso kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 presentation project-consult records-management schriftgutverwaltung standard by 2 users
- [DE] Vom Wert der Information | Keynote DMS Expo 2005 | doXtop
"Vom Wert der Information" - ein immer noch relevanter Beitrag oder sogar ein immer wichtigerer Aspekt des Informationsmanagements. Vortrag von Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Mitschrift und Folien
in Public bookmarks with [de] archivierung archiving artikel_kff dms dmsexpo ecm imported information kampffmeyer presentation preservation project-consult trends ulrich_kampffmeyer wert wissensmanagement by 2 users
- [DE] Wer braucht noch Archivare und Records-Manager? | Ulrich Kampffmeyer | FH Potsdam | Video | 24.04.2009
Fachhochschule Potsdam | Berufsfeldfachtagung Informationswissenschaften | Vortrag Ulrich Kampffmeyer | Wer braucht noch Archivare und Records-Manager? | 24.04.2009 | Synchronisiertes Video mit Folien (Flash, auch MPEG4, MoV und RealPlayer verfügbar)
in Public bookmarks with [de] archive archivierung education imported information-management presentation project-consult records-management ulrich_kampffmeyer video
- [EN] #AIIM | How will social media and other new technologies impact ...
[EN] #AIIM | How will social media and other new technologies impact our industry in the next 5 to 10 years | Presentation by Atle Skjekkeland | AIIM | Slideshare
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim ecm imported markt presentation social-media socialsoftware trends
- [EN] #WPFD World Paper Free Day | John Mancini
John Mancini, AIIM president, on World Paper Free Day | more than 3300 views on WPFD October 28th, 2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim day dms ecm free imported mancini paper presentation world wpfd
- [EN] 17 presentations about ECM, ERM a.s.o. by AIIM
John Mancini, AIIM: 17 presentations to watch | July 2009
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim cms dms document dokumentenmanagement ecm enterprise-content-management imported management mancini presentation preservation records-management rm trends by 2 users
- [EN] A tale of two ERMS specifications | ICA Flying Reporters @ the DLM forum
"A tale of two ERMS specifications" | The ICA Flying Reporters discuss the impact of the presentation of Ulrich Kampffmeyer "Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management, held at the DLM Forum Conference Toulouse 2008, 12.12.2008, in regard to the different standardisation activities of ICA and DLM Forum with MoReq2
in Public bookmarks with [en] blog conference dlm dlm-forum ica imported kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 presentation preservation records-management standards ulrich_kampffmeyer web2.0 by 2 users
- [EN] AIIM | 51 Fast Facts About ECM, ERM, and E20 -- For Presentations
AIIM | Digital Landfill | 12.10.2009 | 51 Fast Facts About ECM, ERM, and E20 -- For Presentations | John Mancini
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim cms compliance content-management document-management e2.0 ecm ecms enterprise-content-management imported mancini markt presentation records-management rm trends by 2 users
- [EN] AIIM presentations on Slideshare
AIIM Expert Network | Slideshare
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim bpm collaboration document-management document-related-technologies drukff ecm ecm2.0 enterprise-content-management enterprise-information-management enterprise2.0 imported presentation social-software socialsoftware verband
- [EN] AIIM: State of the ECM Industry 2010 | 8 Disruptive Forces | June 2010
Powerpoint presentation by Atle Skjekkeland, Vice President AIIM internation | State of the ECM Industry 2010 | 8 Disruptive Forces that will Transform the Content Management Industry | June 2010
in Public bookmarks with [en] aiim cloud cms ecm enterprise-content-management future google imported information-management presentation saas sharepoint skjekkeland social-software trends wave
- [EN] Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management
Breaking the Barriers of Traditional Records Management | Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer | PROJECT CONSULT | Presentation at the DLM Forum Conference Toulouse | 12.12.2008 | PPS automated presentation
in Public bookmarks with [en] artikel_kff dlm dlm-forum ecm education imported kampffmeyer moreq moreq2 presentation preservation project-consult records-management ulrich_kampffmeyer by 2 users
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