- [EN] Kofax global partnership with Xerox
[EN] Kofax global partnership with Xerox | Xerox Corporation will sell, market, deploy and support Kofax TotalAgility® to help organizations extend the value of Xerox's managed print and document management services and products. Kofax's sales and services staff will support Xerox in this endeavor. | Kofax is expanding its global reach. Acquiring Kapow Kofax added a lot of functionality to their portfolio. The Kofax portfolio is no longer capture only but moves into analytics.
in Public bookmarks with [en] analytics classification co-operation consult document function global kapow kofax market mfp mps multi partnership printer processing project scanning xerox
- [EN] Lexmark acquires ISYS and Nolij | 19.03.2012
Consolidation in the ECM market place - Lexmark acquires ISYS - enterprise Search - and Nolij - web-based document management. Previous acquisitions were (former SER) Brainware for automated classification, Athena for BPM integration and Perceptive for ECM. LEXMARK ACQUIRES ISYS SEARCH SOFTWARE AND NOLIJ
Mar 19, 2012
in Public bookmarks with [en] acquisition athena brainware classification content document ecm enterprise isys lexmark management market nolij perceptive search trends web
- [EN] Records Management & eDiscovery - the DuPont example
DuPont re-looked at nine cases. They determined that they had reviewed a total of 75,450,000 pages of content in those nine cases. A total of 11,040,000 turned out to be responsive to the cases. DuPont also looked at the status of these 75 million pages of content to determine their status in their records management process. They found that approximately 50% of those 75 million pages of content were beyond their documented retention period and should have been destroyed and never reviewed for any of the 9 cases. They also calculated they spent $11, 961,000 reviewing this content. In other words, they spent &11.9 million reviewing documents that should not have existed if their records retention schedule and policy had been followed.
in Public bookmarks with [en] archiving compliance cost document e-discovery ecm ediscovery legal management records recordsmanagement retention
- [EN] What is a document? | Buckland | JASIS 1997
What is a document? | JASIS 1997 | Michael K. Buckland | UCLA Berkeley | Ordinarily the word "document" denotes a textual record. Increasingly sophisticated attempts to provide access to the rapidly growing quantity of available documents raised questions about which should be considered a "document". The answer is important for any definition of the scope of Information Science. Paul Otlet and others developed a functional view of "document" and discussed whether, for example, sculpture, museum objects, and live animals, could be considered "documents". Suzanne Briet equated "document" with organized physical evidence. These ideas appear to resemble notions of "material culture" in cultural anthropology and "object-as-sign" in semiotics. Others, especia...
in Public bookmarks with 1997 a buckland digital document information information_science library management metadata uis what
- [FR] Dématérialisation de ses contrats : Totalgaz choisit CD-DOC
vec la perspective de la refonte complète du Système d’Information à échéance 2012, Totalgaz a choisi d’externaliser la dématérialisation de son fonds contractuel. En effet, répartie sur les deux agences régionales, la gestion de l’ensemble des dossiers devenait de plus en plus complexe. Au vu du nombre de contrats à traiter et à consulter quotidiennement, une solution de gestion numérique des dossiers a très vite constitué la première étape du projet.
in Public bookmarks with [fr] de dematerialisation document ecm geide la logiciel management total
- #WPFD World Paper Free Day | October 25th, 2012
The World Paper Free Day (hashtag #WPFD) is an initiative by AIIM international to create awareness for the advantages of electronic information management to save paper. The WPFD is a virtual event - so you can join at your office, at home and even in your holidays! But there will be as well real life events supporting this initiative. If you learn about such an event, please post a link on the facebook page. The #WPFD World Paer Free Day Community on Facebook is here: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_179209778787017. Please join and promote this initaive to your friends on Facebook.
in Public bookmarks with archive archivierung born content copier digital document ecm elektronische enterprise management office paper paperfree paperless printer save scanning the woods
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