Search tips
  • Don’t Forget to Advertise Your Virtual Location on That Old Web Thing
    While the still most popular virtual world, Second Life, continues to thrive, not all support services receive much use as they should. Virtual world oriented search engines and directories require those in a 3D environment to step back over the line of virtual reality immersion. Is it worth it for much more powerful, but far less results, search abilities? Includes submission information and overviews of top traffic providing SL oriented SEs and directories.
    in Public bookmarks with 3.d 3d advertising and better boolean bureaus business client courts currency directories engines even exchanges favorite features
    Note: At times, it’s easier to mark passing progress of a popular technology by watching supporting industries become available, grow and compete. Second Life has seen the birth of metaversed takes on pay-per-survey affiliate programs, stock markets and currency exchanges have born (and died), better busi ...moreness bureaus and even virtual courts of laws have come about.
  • How to Reduce Client Side Lag in Second Life
    No one likes lag, whether it be local, server side or something faulting in the middle, choppy, laggy worlds hardly seem like the metaverse of Snow Crash. In this article are examples of features which can be disabled or turned down resulting in high FPS, along with how to ignore lesser material types using the debug menus.
    in Public bookmarks with client debug frame hardware lag lagnor life metaverse minimum rate requirements second secondlife server settings side sl
    Note: For the most part, lower end hardware will see a greater percentage of increased performance than a high end machine. For those who just meet the bare minimum requirements here are the client settings I recommend using for greatest efficiency…
  • How to Stay Online While AFK In Second Life
    Information and examples for defeating the auto-logout when idle for too long in the Second Life Platform. Includes four different ways of achieving this, from using 3rd party macro programs (scripts provided) to directly editing variables used by the SL Client.
    in Public bookmarks with afk anti-idle bot botsecondlife client debug go idle life macro online second sl stay
    Note: While a good number of people use a “stay alive” macro to camp for long periods of time or give their actual land artificially high traffic counts, such an ability can be used for good as well. For me, I always have the idle logout disabled, using the first option listed above, as I find myself usin ...moreg SL but working in PhotoShop and other applications making SL content a good amount of time. Has saved me a good number of headaches.

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