- eyePlorer
yePlorer works fantastically to visualize keywords and explore knowledge
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Eye Search | Developing code for conducting visual internet searches
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Original FLASH Game Site. GROW,Tontie,Vanilla,PelPet,HATCH
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EZRSS is a rss feed for eztv. You can use it to have your bittorrent client download your favourite shows from eztv as they get released, rather than having to stay up all night waiting for them - completely automatically.
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f.lux makes your computer screen look like the room you're in, all the time. When the sun sets, it makes your computer look like your indoor lights. In the morning, it makes things look like sunlight again.
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php based Photo Gallery for flickr Members to display their photos uploaded to flickr on their personal website.
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The most flexible way to store, manage, share and link your personal medio online.
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- FaceTag
FaceTag is a working prototype of a semantic collaborative tagging tool conceived for bookmarking information architecture resources. It aims to show how the flat keywords space of tags can be effectively mixed with a richer faceted classification scheme to improve the system information architecture.
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Share presentations, videos, documents, pdf, images, pictures, slides from across internet and create mash-its in one slideshow
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This tool takes a CSS stylesheet on input and produces an almost equivalent stylesheet on output, but with rulesets split, combined, and reordered to "factor out" common declarations. This helps reveal shared components. The resulting stylesheet may also
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- Fagan Finder > Misc > Bookmarklets
Make My Search Bookmarklet (Internet Explorer only) This bookmarklet lets you create your own custom search bookmarklets. After you have added it, go to any search tool (search engine, dictionary, etc), select any options you want, and search for ABC (all capital letters). Then click the 'Make My Search' bookmarklet, and give your new bookmarklet a name. To use this new bookmarklet you have created: Any time, click on it. It will ask you for text, and then it will search for that text on whatever search tool you chose. If you have selected text on the page you are currently viewing, it will search for that automatically without asking you.
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- Fairvue Central >> Bloggies >> Sixth Annual Weblog Awards
Fairvue Central >> Bloggies >> Sixth Annual Weblog Awards
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- Fairvue Central >> Bloggies >> Sixth Annual Weblog Awards
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- Fake Google Logos, Fun Google Logos, Google Logo Images, Google .com Logos, Google Logo Pictures by Google Fans. Goolge, Gog...
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- Fake Mail Generator
The Fake Mail Generator is an absolutely free disposable email system. By simply visiting this site the above address has already been saved to your clipboard. Paste (Ctrl-V) it into any form on a website that requires email verification, and when the email is received it will pop up instantly in this box.
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