- Clusty the Clustering Engine
metasearch engine, Clusty submits your query to a number of sources simultaneously--often including our own Vivísimo Velocity search engine, using our own crawls of Wikipedia, the New York Times, the Associated Press, and other special sources. By taking the average rank of each result from a number of search engines, Clusty provides a more reliable search that is immune to the quirks and vulnerabilities of one algorithm or another. This helps drop link spam lower in our results, and raise good results higher in the list. And by clustering your results, Clusty makes it easier for you to find the information you're looking for.
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- Ixquick Metasearch
Advanced search engine in multiple languages with filtering, search engine rating, iframe and custom settings.
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- jux2 Meta Search Engine
The jux2 meta search engine compares the leading search engines providing you the most relevant results.
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- KillerInfo
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- MetaCrawler
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